Whats the Difference Between Bubblers and Bongs?
When it comes to €smoking€ today, the best advice is to use a cool hand-blown glass bubbler that serves as a pipe by making bubbles that cools off and filters the smoke. While the ever popular bong also takes the smoke down a glass tube in the water, the bubbler is much smaller and more convenient to use than a bong, say longtime smokers. The bubbler is also a top choice with smokers today because, unlike a water pipe or water bongs, these high-quality glass €bubblers€ offer proven smoking enjoyment with each and every puff.
Decorated bubblers trending
Another aspect of today's decorated bubblers is linked to how these pipes constantly €recycles€ the water through chambers that allow the smoking mixture to cool down for a nice smooth hit. In fact, there are many online testimonials from longtime bong smokers who have now switched to the much smaller bubblers for the same types of smoking benefits. The bubblers are also €works of art,€ that are often individually handmade by artists that enjoy adding their own unique designs to these glass pipes.
A typical bubbler stands about 8 inches, while a typical Sixties styled bong or water pipe can average a foot or more in height. Also, there are many other good reasons to switch to a bubbler that include:
- The bubblers are made of high-quality glass such as borosilicate.
- The bubblers are commonly made at artist glass pipe co-ops in the U.S. and are shipped without any hassles.
- The bubblers often feature deep chambers for the smoking blend, and a flat bottom design to keep the pipe from rolling or moving.
- The bubblers are unique works of art with all the colors of the rainbow, and cool €hippie€ and one of a kind designs.
In general, the bubbler's appeal is linked to being a more stylish than a typical water pipe. €I like my bubbler because it is both smaller and portable. I could never take my bong anywhere,€ explained a smoker commenting online.
Bubbler smoker nation
At a time when the states of Colorado and Washington have legalized recreational pot smoking, it makes sense that both these and dozens of other states that permit the use of medical marijuana should be keen on selling the best smoking devices. In turn, the bubbler has become the gold standard for smoking in the US today with many cool and interesting €head shops€ selling bubblers both online and in various communities. For example, the purchase of a bubbler is legal nationwide.
History of cool smoking
While any bong smoker will tell you that this filtration device is perfect for smoking €herbal substances,€ it is the bubbler that is trending today as the €bong of choice,€ say smokers offering testimonials online. For instance, the construction of a water pipe or bong is similar to a bubbler, except a bubbler is more portable and much smaller. Also, both a water pipe and a bubbler feature a hole known by many interesting names. To get air into a bubbler or bong, one covers the €choke,€ €rush,€ €kick hole€ or €bink€ with a finger than opens and closes the hole to allow smoke to be draw into the smoker's lungs. It is all very efficient, say smokers.
Moreover, a Sixties history of the classic bong states that it is a Thai word for €tube€ or €pipe.€ Bongs and water pipes have been used for centuries in Thailand, China, Vietnam and Africa. In fact, the use of a bubbler or water pipe was first introduced in China during the 15th century as a device to smoke both herbs and tobacco. Flash forward to 2014 and the water pipe as it is known as morphed into these cool glass works of art called €bubblers.€
Bubblers offer safe smoking
The worldwide appeal of bubblers for smoking herb and other mixtures is also based on the desire to prevent harmful chemicals from entering a smoker's airways. For instance, the mechanics of a bubbler take lessons learned from bong makers and it improves it by using specially treated high-temperature glass for the bubblers bowl-stem, water container and drawtube. This tailoring of the water pipe's design makes today's high quality bubblers much more effective at trapping harmful particles that a smoker might inhale if not for being trapped by the bubbler's water filtration that produces much smoother smoke.
Overall, a recent NORMAL cannabis study found that bubblers offered the best tar to THC ratio of all popular smoking methods or devices. While a water pipe or bong is a cool way to enjoy the herb or tobacco, it is far more enjoyable and safe to smoke with an interesting designed bubbler, say smokers online.
Decorated bubblers trending
Another aspect of today's decorated bubblers is linked to how these pipes constantly €recycles€ the water through chambers that allow the smoking mixture to cool down for a nice smooth hit. In fact, there are many online testimonials from longtime bong smokers who have now switched to the much smaller bubblers for the same types of smoking benefits. The bubblers are also €works of art,€ that are often individually handmade by artists that enjoy adding their own unique designs to these glass pipes.
A typical bubbler stands about 8 inches, while a typical Sixties styled bong or water pipe can average a foot or more in height. Also, there are many other good reasons to switch to a bubbler that include:
- The bubblers are made of high-quality glass such as borosilicate.
- The bubblers are commonly made at artist glass pipe co-ops in the U.S. and are shipped without any hassles.
- The bubblers often feature deep chambers for the smoking blend, and a flat bottom design to keep the pipe from rolling or moving.
- The bubblers are unique works of art with all the colors of the rainbow, and cool €hippie€ and one of a kind designs.
In general, the bubbler's appeal is linked to being a more stylish than a typical water pipe. €I like my bubbler because it is both smaller and portable. I could never take my bong anywhere,€ explained a smoker commenting online.
Bubbler smoker nation
At a time when the states of Colorado and Washington have legalized recreational pot smoking, it makes sense that both these and dozens of other states that permit the use of medical marijuana should be keen on selling the best smoking devices. In turn, the bubbler has become the gold standard for smoking in the US today with many cool and interesting €head shops€ selling bubblers both online and in various communities. For example, the purchase of a bubbler is legal nationwide.
History of cool smoking
While any bong smoker will tell you that this filtration device is perfect for smoking €herbal substances,€ it is the bubbler that is trending today as the €bong of choice,€ say smokers offering testimonials online. For instance, the construction of a water pipe or bong is similar to a bubbler, except a bubbler is more portable and much smaller. Also, both a water pipe and a bubbler feature a hole known by many interesting names. To get air into a bubbler or bong, one covers the €choke,€ €rush,€ €kick hole€ or €bink€ with a finger than opens and closes the hole to allow smoke to be draw into the smoker's lungs. It is all very efficient, say smokers.
Moreover, a Sixties history of the classic bong states that it is a Thai word for €tube€ or €pipe.€ Bongs and water pipes have been used for centuries in Thailand, China, Vietnam and Africa. In fact, the use of a bubbler or water pipe was first introduced in China during the 15th century as a device to smoke both herbs and tobacco. Flash forward to 2014 and the water pipe as it is known as morphed into these cool glass works of art called €bubblers.€
Bubblers offer safe smoking
The worldwide appeal of bubblers for smoking herb and other mixtures is also based on the desire to prevent harmful chemicals from entering a smoker's airways. For instance, the mechanics of a bubbler take lessons learned from bong makers and it improves it by using specially treated high-temperature glass for the bubblers bowl-stem, water container and drawtube. This tailoring of the water pipe's design makes today's high quality bubblers much more effective at trapping harmful particles that a smoker might inhale if not for being trapped by the bubbler's water filtration that produces much smoother smoke.
Overall, a recent NORMAL cannabis study found that bubblers offered the best tar to THC ratio of all popular smoking methods or devices. While a water pipe or bong is a cool way to enjoy the herb or tobacco, it is far more enjoyable and safe to smoke with an interesting designed bubbler, say smokers online.