Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

What Photography Means To Me

Photography - the art or practice of taking and processing photographs.
To me, photography is a lot more than that.
It's an art form that allows you to create not only fantastic pictures but you can pour your imagination and soul into it.
Photography is an escape from the harsh realities of life.
You can take the moments in life that are so deeply special and share them with the world.
Creation is a beautiful part of life and that is what we do as photographers.
We create.
We intermingle reality with dream.
We give people hope for something better.
Some people may see a beautiful landscape photo of a sundown on a beach and think nothing more than "It's a beautiful picture.
" On the other hand, there are some people which this photo sends a message, "tomorrow is a new day.
" Photography to me, is a way to express myself.
An opportunity to show the world the small beauties and glamors of life that they sometimes overlook.
This is an art that you can not go wrong with, if it is something you created and take pride than in than you've got it right.
Your opinion is the most important opinion and that's something you need to remember.
Although, you can always work on your technique.
I always try to make sure I'm trying new techniques, angles, effects and ideas.
There are plenty of ways to do this, for example there are photography eBooks, you can look up Quick Tips on the internet or join a Photography Forum.
Of course, Photography isn't just a hobby.
Photography is also a career choice.
There are a million ways to make money with your photos.
For example, you could submit your photos online and sell them, you can take pictures for a paper, a magazine, ad's, or you could even start your own business.
The internet is a great place to find information on starting a business of your own.
Photographers capture emotion.
Without emotion in our world we would be corrupt, we wouldn't be able to see beauty or feel sadness.
We as photographers remind people, we remind people of simple things, happy things, sad things, we make an impact.
My goal as a photographer is to impact as many people positively as i can.
If i can make just one person smile or feel something from my photo than I am accomplished.
Pictures are not just pretty images you hang on your wall, they're made to speak to your soul and help you feel.
Photography is so much more than people think sometimes.
It's, love, hate, sadness, courage, your hopes, your dreams, and most importantly, a way to make an impact.
Keep on keeping on and express the world through your eyes, you never know the true impact your photo could have on someone or the good it can do.
Thanks for listening and Embrace The Artist In YOU.

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