Jabra SP5050 Bluetooth Speaker-Phone Review
com - Not sure about you - but for me, trying to drive while chatting with my better half isn't always easy.
Juggling a phone on my ear while desperately trying to search for the cheapest gas station just isn't for me.
Of course there is a solution and if you're like most people who don't enjoy sticking anything in their ear [other than fingers of course], maybe it's time to try a hands-free product such as the Jabra SP5050 Bluetooth Speaker.
Jabra SP5050 Speaker-phone Design & Usability: This stylish and sleek speakerphone can be used on the go in any vehicle.
It attaches to your sun-visor and can be setup within minutes of use.
For those night-crawlers among us - the Jabra even goes into night driving mode turning off the LED allowing the driver to drive without a blue light blinking out the corner of his eye.
Battery: There are tons of good features about this hands-free device including the auto shut-off after 15 minutes of no-phone connection which preserves your battery life.
The battery holds its own for approximately 6 hours talk time and 150 hours standby.
Compact: The SP5050 compact device is great for anyone who uses their phone often while driving, or simply for not getting fined.
It not only allows you to keep up with the world but also keeps things safe.
I have to admit I use it everywhere - I can be spotted sneaking it out my car into the office.
This is one of those bluetooth speaker phones you hear about that actually works and is used quite often.
Not to mention how great it is for working out, it's amazing how fast a workout passes when you're occupied while talking on the phone.
Anyways this device gets dragged with me all around town, just because its light weight and easy to carry along almost anywhere.
Prices: Retail price runs at $99.
00 at most stores.
I snatched mine from JR a couple of months ago, actually caught it on sale at $80 which was a little over $20 in savings after taxes.
After the purchase, I assumed it would take awhile to install but it was actually pretty simple; the instructions say "little to no installation" - right on the dot, took me only about 10 minutes to do.
I bought it because I kept dropping my phone in the car.
Finally decided it was too dangerous to drive without some kind of device to help take phone calls when my family & office are calling every ten minutes.
Cons: Like all products, including this Jabra, there is always some catch; the car-charger (which is included) is 3 feet long! It can often interfere with your driving depending on where you latch it.
With the cord being so long it tangles easily, so make sure to charge while not-driving.
About sound quality - it has great quality on the streets and urban areas.
Once you hit the highways and freeways the noise inside the car reduces the sound quality a bit.
But again this is something that I think goes with the territory and isn't to blame on the device.
Summary: Personally other than the length of the charger I'm overall happy with my Jabra SP5050 compared to a few others I've used in the past.
I also think the price is justified for this great product.
com - Not sure about you - but for me, trying to drive while chatting with my better half isn't always easy.
Juggling a phone on my ear while desperately trying to search for the cheapest gas station just isn't for me.
Of course there is a solution and if you're like most people who don't enjoy sticking anything in their ear [other than fingers of course], maybe it's time to try a hands-free product such as the Jabra SP5050 Bluetooth Speaker.
Jabra SP5050 Speaker-phone Design & Usability: This stylish and sleek speakerphone can be used on the go in any vehicle.
It attaches to your sun-visor and can be setup within minutes of use.
For those night-crawlers among us - the Jabra even goes into night driving mode turning off the LED allowing the driver to drive without a blue light blinking out the corner of his eye.
Battery: There are tons of good features about this hands-free device including the auto shut-off after 15 minutes of no-phone connection which preserves your battery life.
The battery holds its own for approximately 6 hours talk time and 150 hours standby.
Compact: The SP5050 compact device is great for anyone who uses their phone often while driving, or simply for not getting fined.
It not only allows you to keep up with the world but also keeps things safe.
I have to admit I use it everywhere - I can be spotted sneaking it out my car into the office.
This is one of those bluetooth speaker phones you hear about that actually works and is used quite often.
Not to mention how great it is for working out, it's amazing how fast a workout passes when you're occupied while talking on the phone.
Anyways this device gets dragged with me all around town, just because its light weight and easy to carry along almost anywhere.
Prices: Retail price runs at $99.
00 at most stores.
I snatched mine from JR a couple of months ago, actually caught it on sale at $80 which was a little over $20 in savings after taxes.
After the purchase, I assumed it would take awhile to install but it was actually pretty simple; the instructions say "little to no installation" - right on the dot, took me only about 10 minutes to do.
I bought it because I kept dropping my phone in the car.
Finally decided it was too dangerous to drive without some kind of device to help take phone calls when my family & office are calling every ten minutes.
Cons: Like all products, including this Jabra, there is always some catch; the car-charger (which is included) is 3 feet long! It can often interfere with your driving depending on where you latch it.
With the cord being so long it tangles easily, so make sure to charge while not-driving.
About sound quality - it has great quality on the streets and urban areas.
Once you hit the highways and freeways the noise inside the car reduces the sound quality a bit.
But again this is something that I think goes with the territory and isn't to blame on the device.
Summary: Personally other than the length of the charger I'm overall happy with my Jabra SP5050 compared to a few others I've used in the past.
I also think the price is justified for this great product.