Technology Electronics

How to Switch From Cable to TV When the Cable Is Disconnected

    • 1). Unscrew the metal connector on the back of your TV set connected to the coaxial cable that runs to the cable TV box.

    • 2). Connect the end of the cable to the jack labeled "A" on the A/B switch and turn the metal fastener on the cable end clockwise to secure the connection.

    • 3). Hook up a coaxial cable from the jack labeled "B" on the switch to the output jack on your antenna.

    • 4). Attach a coaxial cable from the jack labeled "TV" on the A/B switch to the jack on the rear of your TV that had been connected directly to the cable box.

    • 5). Turn on the cable box and TV.

    • 6). Slide the A/B switch to the "B" position for viewing broadcasts pulled in by the antenna. Slide the switch to the "A" position to view cable programming.

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