How to Kill Poison Oak Fast
- 1). Learn to identify the poison oak plant. Poison oak is distinguished by its three-leaf structure, with each leaf bearing a strong resemblance to an actual oak leaf. The foliage is green in the spring and summer, taking on a red tint in the fall.
- 2). Physically remove any visible plants as soon as you have identified them. Don protective clothing, including heavy gloves, long sleeves, full-length pants and socks. Use pruning shears to cut the plant back, placing all trimmings immediately into a heavy-duty trash bag.
- 3). Loosen the soil around the base of the plant with a small shovel or hand trowel. Then grab the plant, placing both hands as close to the roots as possible, and pull the plant from the ground. Place the plant inside the trash bag with the cuttings.
- 4). Cover the area where the poison oak was located with a thick layer of mulch, newspapers or tarps, smothering any seeds or seedlings which may have escaped your attention.
- 5). Place the bags filled with poison oak plants in an outside dumpster immediately. Do not burn the foliage as the smoke can carry the urushiol through the air, harming your respiratory tract and lungs. Place any clothing you were wearing into the washer immediately and wash in hot water with heavy detergent. Once the plants and exposed garments have been taken care of, take a hot shower, washing your hair with strong shampoo and being sure to thoroughly clean any skin which may have been exposed to the poison oak plant.