Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

About Dry Scalp

Dry Scalp - Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis can be treated, but a cure is not yet available. Usually when an individual suffers with scalp psoriasis, nine times out of 10 they will also have a patch of psoriasis on another part of their body at the same time. A doctor will usually prescribe treatments to aid each symptom of the scalp psoriasis. Symptoms of scalp psoriasis can be red patches of skin with silvery scales; itchiness; burning sensation; and bleeding, dry, cracked epidermis. Treatments available through your doctor can be ultraviolet light therapy, medicated shampoos, as well as creams and ointments to help relieve the itching and burning sensation.

Dry Scalp - Dandruff

Dandruff is usually caused by an individual's skin on their scalp shedding at a higher rate than usual. This can be simply remedied by using appropriate over-the-counter shampoos and possible prescribed ointments. A pharmacist will be happy to help you choose the right solution.

Excess Shampooing

Dry scalp can easily be self-inflicted if it is caused by excessive hair-washing. The oil produced from the sebaceous glands are partly to give hair moisture. If this oil is removed daily or more often, there is a risk of dry hair and dry scalp due to the lack of natural oil.

Underactive Sebaceous Glands

If you wash your hair every other day or even every few days or more, and your scalp and hair are dry, there may be a possibility of underactive sebaceous glands. Underactive sebaceous glands can also be due to an underactive thyroid, stress, wrong type of hair products used, allergies, and vitamin deficiency.

Other Common Reasons for Dry Scalp

Dry scalp can also be caused by holding the hair dryer too close to the scalp on a high heat for a long period of time, as well as certain air conditioners, if they are not on a suitable temperature or have a chemical effect.

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