Health & Medical Muscles & Bones & Joints Diseases

Osteonecrosis Definition


    • The most common causes of osteonecrosis are an untreated fracture or injury, prolonged use of corticosteroid medications, or heavy abuse of alcohol. Other causes include sickle cell anemia, lupus, Gaucher's disease, the bends or decompression disease, chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and biphosphate medications.

    Time Frame

    • Osteonecrosis is a progressive disease, meaning that your symptoms are likely to develop gradually and worsen over time.


    • The specific symptoms of osteonecrosis vary depending on the location of the bone, but typically involve pain and stiffness.


    • Untreated, osteonecrosis can cause the bone to deteriorate to the point of collapse, which can cause permanent disability. The Mayo Clinic reports that it usually takes two to five years for the condition to progress to this point without treatment.


    • Rest, physical therapy, light exercise and electrical stimulation are possible treatments for osteonecrosis. Additionally, doctors usually perform surgery to remove part of the affected bone or joint or remove the pressure that is contributing to the lack of blood supply.

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