Great Off-Road Trails in Prescott, Arizona
- The Alto Pit Off-Highway Vehicle Recreations Site, Campground and Picnic is located about seven miles northwest of Prescott, in the Bradshaw Ranger District. Alto Pit offers 20 miles of motorized trails, a children's area and two cross-country areas within 400 acres of land. Trails rise to a maximum of 6,400 feet in elevation. Drivers can take advantage of the trails after paying a small fee. There are picnic areas for visitors to enjoy as well as campsites for those who want to stay overnight.
- East of Prescott, in the Verde Ranger District, is Hayfield Draw Off-Highway Vehicle Day-use. Hayfield Draw lies along State Route 260, about six miles west of Interstate 17, in the Verde Valley. This area has 80 acres of motorized trails and cross-country areas, with an elevation of 3,200 feet. Areas are separated according to skill level, accommodating drivers ranging from children to experienced adults. Drivers can practice their shifting, turns and clutch use on the different trails. The recreation site has picnic tables with grills. A small fee applies for using the site.
- In the Chino Valley Ranger District is the Sheridan Mountain-Smith Mesa OHV Day-use. Located south of Camp Wood and west of Chino Valley, this site has 42 miles of trails with an elevation of 5,500 feet. Unlike in Alto Pit and Hayfield Draw, there are no cross-country riding nor a day-use charge to use the trails of Sheridan Mountain-Smith Mesa. Picnic facilities can also be found in this recreation area.
- Open to highway vehicles are the Crown King trails near Crown King, an old historic mining town in the Bradshaw Ranger District. The area has almost 70 miles of dirt roads, requiring a full day to complete. The trails go through various climate zones, topographies and old towns, such as Bumble Bee and Mayer. Crown King Road, from Crown King to Bumble Bee, is easy and accessible with all types of cars. The road from Crown King to Prescott, however, goes through narrow primitive forest roads and a 4x4 vehicle is advised.