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How to Use Real Estate Fliers to Generate Quality Seller Leads

As you know,  your typical marketing will produce a .
5% to 1% response rate.
  So with anything new that you try, you should be ecstatic if you get anything more than .
5% to 1%.
  In my normal day of business, I typically resort to yellow letters as my primary form of generating highly motivated seller leads since they produce at least a 5% response rate.
  Then I send them through the "funnel"', and let the cream rise to the crop.
Pretty typical stuff, right?  That's what they teach you to do in the big seminars.
  Well, I've recently been testing something new.
  And it's working!  So I wanted to give you some step-by-step instructions on how to generate your own motivated seller leads using real estate fliers.
  There are 3 Essential elements to a marketing campaign: The Market (who you send your marketing to) The Media (how your marketing is delivered) and the Message (What your marketing Says to the reader).
    Let's start off by creating a message for the fliers.
The Message:  Your message should have a headline, an irresistible offer, a deadline, and a call to action.
If these are the only components of your message, then good!  Of course, if you can add a little bit more "filler" information then that is good, as well.
  If you are a real estate investor, your message might be :" ATTENTION HOMEOWNER: I WANT TO BUY YOUR HOUSE".
  Then let the seller know that you can pay a fair price and close on the date of his choice (irresistible) and tell the seller to call you before the end of the month for a surprise bonus offer.
  Something along those lines should pull a good response.
  If you're in a different real estate business, then customize your message to fit your target audience.
Let them know What's In It For Them.
The Media: To assemble your fliers, create the flyer on a half sheet of 8.
5 x 11 paper.
  That way you can get 2 fliers from each sheet and they will fit nicely into the packaging.
  Make sure that the message can be seen even after you fold it (meaning that you fold it so that the lettering is on the outside).
  Once you fold your flyer in half, place it in a zip top sandwich baggie.
  Then insert a pond pebble or some other type of rock that will add weight to the bag.
This is an important part of the assembly because you'll be slinging these fliers out of the car window and they'll ned some weight so they'll go where you want them to.
Make sure that you zip up your sandwich baggie and let's get ready to rock and roll! The Market: Choose a neighborhood where you want to generate leads.
  This can be any of your regular neighborhoods, a farm (for Realtors) or you can select vacant houses.
  Choose a day when the weather is nice, and load your car up with your fliers packages.
It only takes about an hour to deliver 500 of these babies as long as you have one person driving and the other one slinging.
  Driving about 10 - 15 miles per hour, fill your lap up with baggies and start tossing them into driveways.
  Make sure they don't hit cars, pets, or people!!  If you can make them land near a mailbox or in the driveway that's a good way for your fliers to be seen easily.
  Note: do not flyer areas that have "No Soliciting" signs posted when you firs enter the subdivision.
You WILL get a call from the owners and board members telling you to come pick your fliers up.
  So don't waste your time on that.
Once you've delivered your bundle of driveway real estate fliers, make sure your phone lines are open.
  You'll get a few calls from sellers who are ready to talk business and take you up on your special offer.

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