Law & Legal & Attorney Criminal Law & procedure

Hiring a Reliable Criminal Attorney to Defend You

Crime is a serious punishable offense and in case you've been proved accused, you too have all the rights to seek the legal counsel. Simply ask for a better lawyer while you are still questioned by police or anytime during the entire process. Apparently, in case you can't afford to hire the best in business attorney from the top Singapore law firms in your town then don't get disappointed. You can anytime ask the judge for a proper court-appointed attorney who can take care of your case very well. Otherwise, you will always be expected to pay for all the services of a criminal defense lawyer yourself.

Criminal Lawyer- Choose the Right Attorney at Job

In order to locate just the right criminal defense lawyer, simply look for someone who is actually familiar with any such type of case. A lawyer who was handling most of drunk-driving charges, may not be the right person to handle your charges regarding homicide or assault. Quite another factor that needs to be considered is whether the lawyer practices criminal defense in one particular court where you'll be tried. In case you have been accused of a federal crime, one needs a lawyer who actually practices according to the federal court system.

Meeting with the Lawyers

When you plan to meet with the lawyer for the very first time, one must answer all the queries as honestly as possible and listen to it carefully. Let your lawyer know about everything and let him understand it properly. Without proper police reports and other documents, no lawyer can guarantee about the outcome of the case.

Payment of your Lawyer

Your case can't begin until you agree on the payment part with your lawyer. Criminal defense lawyers actually charge according to per hour and do require proper down payment called a retainer. In case your case isn't complicated, the lawyer may even agree on flat fee instead. Ensure you properly understand how exactly the payments work and what it covers.

You Possess Right to Change Lawyers

In case you feel like, one has all the rights to fire a lawyer and then hire a new one as it's always better to do this sooner rather than later. Changing lawyers can get way too difficult when a proper trial date is approaching. Try and approach all the issues as soon as possible. In case your problem can't be solved, expect prompt return of your case files.

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