Health & Medical Men's Health

Small Penis Size Solutions!

Many men want to buy a penis enlargement program, but are a bit uncertain about which ones are most effective.
There are so many to choose from, including everything from enhancement pills, penis pumps and stretchers to an enlargement chewing gum! Now, let's be honest.
Most of these small penis size solutions are just plain worthless! They will do absolutely nothing to make your package any bigger.
Some of them can even be dangerous! Male enhancement pills are not an effective way to enlarge your penis.
Studies show that there is no ingredient that can produce growth.
In fact, some ingredients have been banned by the FDA.
Others have never been approved, and may include health hazards yet to be determined.
One of the most dangerous ingredients found in most enhancement pills is yohimbe.
It has been directly linked to heart and respiratory problems.
Yohimbe should only be taken under strict doctor supervision.
This is unlikely, as most men do not want to visit a doctor to discuss their small penis.
Increasing your penis size does not have to be dangerous.
There is a safe method that we will discuss in a minute.
Another gimmick that can be harmful is the penis pumps and stretchers.
Since many of these gadgets are poorly made injuries to the penis are quite common.
Minor injuries, such as blisters and bruises are the most common, but there are more serious injuries that can cause long lasting damage can occur.
If the capillaries or soft tissues are damaged it can leave you with a deformed penis, and permanent impotence can also occur.
With these risks you would think that they must work wonders for adding size, but just the opposite is true.
No permanent size gains can be achieved from using pumps or stretchers.
The safest and most effective method for increasing your penis size is to buy a penis enlargement program consisting of natural penile exercises.
Penile exercises have been clinically proven to produce gains of up to 4 inches in length, and over 2 inches of girth.
The best part is that each and every inch you gain will be permanent.
They are safe because all you use are your hands, and not any dangerous gadgets.
You do not need to take any pills loaded with unknown ingredients.
Just follow the exercises as prescribed, and the gains will be there.
There are many companies promising small penis size solutions.
Most are junk, so do not be mislead.
Get a good program of natural penile exercises, and safely add the inches you want.

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