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How to Cite Sources in APA for Translators

    • 1). Enter the author's name, last name first. List authors alphabetically. Follow the author's name with the book's publication date in parentheses. End the parenthetical entry with a period. Write this portion of the entry as follows:

      Al-Ghazali. (1998).

    • 2). Provide the title of the book. Italicize the title. Write the title in the following way, ending this portion of the entry with a period: The Niche of Lights.

    • 3). Enter the translator's name(s) in parentheses. Finish this part of the entry with a period. For example:

      (David Buchman).

    • 4). Supply the publication information by entering the city--and state in instances in which the city is not familiar--and the publisher. End the section with a period. For example:

      Chicago, Chicago University Press.

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