Business & Finance Business Insurance

Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy As Pre-requisite

We are all aware of the fact that buying car insurance as well as third-party insurance cover is mandatory. If that be so, please never try to save some money to buy cheap insurance cover for insurance of car and third-party. Unimaginative traumatizing experiences of rough roads, pollution, traffic jams, congested and poor roads, stunts on motor vehicles by youngsters, etc. have all made the life so risky that huge number of unexpected accidents is the order of the day. Under these testing circumstances, there is no way out for a common car owner to opt for a full comprehensive car insurance cover with third-party insurance cover to get maximum financial mileage from insurance amount in the hour of need.

It is entirely your choice as to which insurance company you would like to go for. But the following guidelines will be helpful:

Make it a point to buy only a full comprehensive insurance policy with third-party insurance cover. With such insurance, in the event of an accident, you are financially secured commensurate with your unforeseen needs. On the death of the third-party, compensation for the expired is unlimited. But fortunately the whole of it is the liability of the insurance company, which may run to lakhs or tens of lakhs of rupees, depending upon the age, social standing, liabilities of the third-party, etc.
Dont ever take a chance to delay the renewal of the insurance policy in time, otherwise you stand to lose all advantages of the policy.
No Claim Bonus (NCB) facility upto 50% concession is generally allowed while renewing the insurance policy in time, if there was no claim in the past year.
You have cashless facilities in thousands of reputed garages on their panel, offered by insurance companies.
Compensation towards vehicles theft, damage, fire is also available.

Online Insurance Cover for Attractive Offers
It is always wise to opt for online insurance cover. Just visit the website and fill the details to get free online quotes instantly. Study the quotes carefully. After satisfying you from all angles, e.g. premium, discounts, facilities, claim settlement terms, etc., you should buy the insurance cover from the one which offers you the best bargain.

How to make a Car Accident Compensation Claim
In the event of an injury consequent upon a car accident, which was due to the mistake of other party, you can file a compensation claim. You have the right to get compensation towards all your medical expenses, lost earnings, loss to be incurred on future income and all allied losses, which are the consequence of the accident. Follow the following:

1.Call The Police Immediately
2.Later, get a copy of the police report with their view as to who was at fault.
3.Keep record of all documentation and receipts relating to the accident. This could include:
Photographs of the vehicles and accident scene
Photographs of self-injuries
Records relating to your medical care, e.g. X-Rays, ECG reports, physical therapy, emergency services, etc.
Record of other expenditure incurred as a result of accident, like taxi charges or cancellation of airline tickets.

Note: Keep your insurer also immediately informed of all developments even if you dont submit any claim to him.

Hiring a Solicitor - In case you plan to file a car accident compensation claim, it is advisable to hire a solicitor, who will be helpful to settle your claim efficiently and satisfactorily.

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