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Top 3 Reasons Your Low Calorie High Protein Diet Won't Work

Are you on a low calorie high protein diet?

If you answered yes, then this will be one of the most important articles you'll ever read.

Here's why. I'm going to share with you the top 3 reasons why a low calorie high protein diet... along with its limited food choices and constant food cravings... won't work.

So if you are desperate to lose weight and care about your health, you should take two minutes and read every word here.

Let's begin...

1. Calorie Restriction

Ok. Here's the bottom line. Any time you restrict calories you will automatically trigger starvation hormones in your body. There is no way around it.

Your body senses famine and reacts.

These starvation hormones are sent out into your blood stream issuing commands to all the cells to store fat.

And this fat is stored in those stubborn places. Hips, thighs, butt, below belly button and underarms. Really nasty stuff.

But even more alarming is the fact that a low calorie high protein diet murders your health, robs your energy, and runs your body into the ground. You need food to live. Lots of it. And any diet with severe limitation is setting you up for worlds of hurt... GUARANTEED!

2. High Protein

Any time the total amount of protein in your diet exceeds carbohydrates, it can really harm your body.

Truth is, the ideal split should be about 30% protein to 70% carbs.

That means the vast majority of your diet should be plant-based carbohydrates. It's really easy to do. And science has shown it makes you thinner and healthier. You simply must learn the art of food combinations.

Here's the real problem with low calorie high protein diets: They lie to you.

When you begin them initially you start losing weight. Of course... it has nothing to do with the diet. It's not like it took some genius to come up with it. The only reason it works initially is because you are restricting calories. Basically "starving" yourself.

With very few carbs entering your system, your body has to manufacture its own to supply vital organs with the carbohydrates they absolutely must have.

As a result, your body begins to rob nutrition from other areas. Things like hair and skin. That's why your appearance is fading.

Bottom line here is...

Low calorie, high protein diets rob your body of vital carbs. You'll drop a few pounds at first, but then begin to store hoards of fat and destroy your health as your body consumes itself.

And to top it all off... the minute you begin eating carbs again you'll blow-up like a balloon!

3. Horrible food cravings and constant hunger

These are the worst things to deal with while on such a diet.

They stress you out and make you depressed. Basically make living real miserable.

The constant "moodiness" depletes your health and is proven to make you gain weight. That's why the concept of dieting, NO matter what type, is absolutely the most insanely stupid thing ever invented.

You cannot diet forever. You can't starve yourself and limit food forever. At some point you absolutely will give in to the constant food cravings and hunger and you'll have a "pig out" session.

Those are the special times you gain all 10 pounds you've torchered yourself to lose... back in a single weekend.

Thank God low calorie high protein diets are not your only option.

There are far easier and faster ways to lose weight.

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