Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Look Smart and Young at Any Age

Ageing is a natural process, which occurs due to some biological as well as hormonal changes in your body. Everybody desires to look young throughout the life. You are not the only one who is worried about losing the youthful look. But do not worry, you can knock off your ageing and maintain a youthful look by doing plenty of things without wasting your money. These includes an attentive care, some moderate exercise, a balanced diet mainly contains lots of fresh fruits, green vegetables, low fat dairy products and high fibre foods. Apart from these, the most important things are €happiness and contentment€-these are the two most important beautifiers that take an extensive role in making your life rocking.

The most easy and simple steps you can do to take care of your skin are:

‚§ Cleansing your skin: Always remember not to use any harsh product if your skin is ageing. Because it can strip out the oils from your skin and makes it very dry making it aged more quickly. It is very important to use a mild cleanser because it will remove all the traces of the environmental chemicals from your skin which are responsible for ageing of the skin.
‚§ Moisturising the skin: After cleaning it is very much important to moisturise your skin. After cleaning if you leave your skin without applying moisturiser, it becomes dry. So go for an anti-ageing moisturiser which is high in the active ingredients. There are many anti-ageing moisturisers in the market which are rich and can deeply moisturise the aged skin. So buy your beauty care cream according to your age and types of the skin.
‚§ Sunscreen lotion: Always protect your skin from sunrays by using a sunscreen lotion or cream because the harmful UV rays can damage your skin and causes premature damage. You should at least apply a SPF-15 sunscreen lotion, because this ultraviolet ray can also cause wrinkles, sunburn and dark spot making your complexion dull. Do not apply sunscreen lotion not only on your face but also on all the exposed parts of your body to avoid sunburn. You can choose some sunscreen containing aloevera, which will not only protect your skin from UV rays but also improves the complexion. There are many generic versions of beauty products available in the market. Generic version of beauty products exhibits the similar properties as any of a branded product. So you can opt for generic beauty care cream also, which are very effective and cost-effective.
‚§ Exfoliation: Exfoliation is one of the important steps of the skin care routine. Exfoliating your skin once in a week will removes out all the dirt and dead cells from your skin making it soft and looks young. Always chose a gentle scrubber that is mainly produced for the older skin. Exfoliation makes your skin brighter as well as supple.
‚§ Take a balanced diet containing high fibre, low calorie, vegetables, fruits like strawberry, apple, banana, watermelon, orange etc. and of course plenty of water.
‚§ Exercise regularly to excrete out the unwanted toxins from your body. It will not only improve your skin tone but also maintain the weight keeping you in shape.
‚§ Apply the proper make up your face with proper eye definer, compact powder, lipstick with a magical hairstyle and of course dress-up smartly according to your age and figure.

More of all, you should always keep in mind to use your beauty products according to your age and skin pattern. Because using a wrong product can make the quality of your skin worst and also causes pre-mature ageing. So always know your skin before buying any product. For that, you can consult with a good beauty expert or a dermatologist who can advise you better. Nowadays there are many authentic and reliable sites available who deals with beauty care creams for women. You can get a good discount from these sites as well as the facility for door step delivery of the product. So it is strongly recommended that you should purchase your beauty care cream according to the texture of your skin. Remember, your skin is on your hand, make it beautiful by pampering it with proper way.

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