Home & Garden Architecture

How to Make Your Own Room Decorations for Girls

    • 1). Sew a unique set of pillows and cushions for the bed, chair and floor. Cut two squares of fabric and stack the sheets with the right side facing inward. Sew along the sides of the fabric leaving a 2-inch length unsewn along one side. Invert the case, stuff and sew the hole shut.

    • 2). Update lamps with colored parchment paper. Cut shapes out of parchment and glue to the lamp shade and base. Glue fabric scraps, magazine clippings and glitter to the base using decoupage paste. Wet the add-on with decoupage paste until flexible. Then smooth onto the lamp. Rub the add-on gently from the center to the edge to remove air bubbles.

    • 3). Use an old window frame to make a picture frame. Strip, sand and paint the window frame. Tape the glass panes to keep them paint-free. Use an exterior paint that matches or contrast with the existing window frames and walls. Cut squares of cardboard that match the size of the window panes. Glue or tape photos to the cardboard. Insert cardboard in the frame and use malleable adhesive to secure the corners of each panel.

    • 4). Make a catch-all out of polymer clay. Shape the clay into a shallow bowl or tray. Bake in a conventional oven on a cookie sheet. Cool for 24 hours, then decorate with acrylic paint. Seal the piece with varnish or clear acrylic spray. Cure for 24 hours before use.

    • 5). Make storage containers out of used coffee tins and glass jars. Cover the container with decoupage paste. Smooth strips of fabric or paper onto the glue. Apply a second coat of paste over the materials to seal. Use acrylic or oil paint. Protect with one to two coats of clear acrylic spray paint.

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