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Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - The Five Biggest Mistakes Made By Affiliate Marketing Newbies

Here are the five biggest mistakes that affiliate marketing newbies make: 1.
You don't pick a good affiliate program to promote The worst thing that you can do as a new affiliate marketer is to promote an affiliate product that nobody wants to buy.
How would you know that it's not a good product? Check the item on Click Bank and look at the stats.
On Click Bank you can find out not only how much you would earn on each sale of a product but you can also use the Gravity™ performance statistic to determine how many affiliates have promoted the product over the past 12 months which will tell you just how "hot" a product is right now.
This number will also tell you how much competition there is for you as an affiliate promoting this product.
You don't buy the product This is really important.
How can you legitimately promote a product and have never used it? Also, how will you write about the product if you know nothing about it? If you are promoting digital products, you may even be able to obtain a free copy of the book or report for reviews that you publish on your blog or website.
Your website and your affiliate product are not related You will have a much better chance of your visitors clicking on your affiliate links if the topic is relevant to your website.
Your visitors came to your website to find information on a certain topic.
If they come and find totally unrelated information, they won't click on your links.
They will just leave.
You are not interested in the product you are promoting If you have no interest in something, how can you talk about it day in and day out? If you have no interest, you won't be able to market the product long term.
Affiliate marketing is not just about putting a link to a product on your website.
You need to get involved with your product and put personal and honest reviews on your website to promote it better.
The product doesn't pay a good commission It is just as easy to sell an inexpensive product as it is an expensive product.
Make sure that the product you want to promote pays you a good commission.
Why make $5.
00 per sale when you could make $20.
00 or $40.
00 or more per sale? Bonus #6.
You just sell the product and you don't build your list first This is by far the biggest mistake that affiliate marketing newbies can make.
If you don't build your list, you won't have an interested, targeted market to promote similar products.
By just selling the product, you will need to drive targeted traffic to your site all the time.
If you build your list first and then sell to your list, you won't need to worry about traffic.

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