Health & Medical Women's Health

Treating Ovarian Cysts - Finding A Natural Cure For Ovarian Cysts

There are various ovarian cysts treatment options that available to women that suffer from these cysts and the various symptoms of ovarian cysts. You may need to adopt a system of trial and error in order to find a treatment option that works for you since everyone is different and what will work for one will not necessarily help with treating your cysts. Natural treatments are also growing in popularity and in addition to discussing conventional treatment methods, this article also discusses finding a natural cure for ovarian cysts.

Cysts on the ovaries and the various symptoms of ovarian cysts can not only be uncomfortable, but they also be quite painful to endure. It is important to note that some cysts do not produce any symptoms and may disappear on their own without the woman with the cysts being any the wiser.

If there are no signs and symptoms produced by these cysts, the cysts are usually discovered during a normal pelvic exam.

What are ovarian cysts?

Each month, an egg is produced by the ovaries. This egg grows in a sac and at maturity, the sac opens and releases the egg to allow for fertilization. This sac is then supposed to dissolve and the process repeated each menstrual cycle.

These cysts can develop inside or on a woman's ovaries and represent a sac also known as a follicle that is filled with a fluid. If the egg is not released or the sac does not dissolve after releasing the egg but continues to grow, this leads to these types of cysts. These can either be small or large sacs that are filled with a fluid. A few more severe cysts may be filled with other particles besides fluid such as hair or bone.

It is important to note that most cysts found on the ovaries are benign which means that they are not cancer related. Although most cysts are benign, they can impact a woman's fertility and her ability to get pregnant. There are many types of ovarian cysts and the most common type are known as functional cysts which usually do not require treatment and usually disappear after a few weeks and may not produce any symptoms at all.


When there are various symptoms of these cysts that are produced such as pain and discomfort from having the cysts or when the cysts rapture, there are many treatments that may be suggested.

The doctor may first prescribe various hormonal treatments that may include birth control pills to help treat ovarian cysts by helping the sac to dissolve into the blood stream, regulate the menstrual cycle, etc. These hormonal methods may cause various side effects and it is usually not good for the body to be on these various hormonal treatment for long periods of time.

There are also various surgeries that may be suggested by your doctor to remove the cysts. These can not only be expensive but can also produce various side effects. This also will not guarantee that you will not continue to be plagued these cysts.

Natural Cures

Since conventional treatment options do not offer permanent solutions for the problem of ovarian cysts, an increasing number of women are turning towards natural treatment methods in order to treat and cure ovarian cysts on a permanent basis.

Conventional treatment methods do not treat the root cause of these cysts which is why they cannot promise that you will not experience a recurrence of these cysts over a lifetime usually beginning in the year following treatment. Natural cure for ovarian cysts on the other hand seek to not only treat the various symptoms of ovarian cysts but they also attempt to treat the root cause of the ovarian cysts to prevent recurrence over a lifetime.

Another great benefit of natural cures for ovarian cysts is that they are not only an effective at home cure for ovarian cysts but they also are relatively inexpensive when compared to conventional treatment methods that are usually prescribed for the treatment of these cysts. Ingredients used can usually be found in your home or at a local health store. Natural cures seek to work with the body and not against it. It is a total holistic approach to treatment that is very effective at producing results.

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