3 Reasons You Should Be Growing Medicinal Herbs
Using herbal remedies to help cure disease has been around for centuries. In our society we are starting to do a complete about face and turn away from our modern medicine and start incorporating more traditional methods and approaches to health and wellness. Growing medicinal herbs will provide you with the herbs you need to do exactly that.
There is one thing you need to be careful about though. Many people seem to think that using herbs is 100% safe, and it is, if you know what you're doing. Don't think that because your herbs are natural and organic that they can't harm you. If you use them in the wrong way or in the wrong amount, or combine them with other medications such as over the counter or prescription drugs, then the interactions can be dangerous.
Just make sure you know what you are doing first. And make sure you talk everything you are doing over with your doctor so he can make sure you won't have any negative side effects with the drugs you may already be taking.
Below I've listed 3 reasons why you should be using your own herbs for medical conditions:
1. You can grow herbs virtually anywhere. You don't need a lot of room. There are many illnesses that you can use your herbal remedies for. If used properly there are generally fewer side effects when using herbal remedies than there are when using man made compounds.
2. You will save money. Even if you have a simple skin rash, if you had to go to your local drugstore to buy some cream it's going to cost you anywhere from a few dollars up to around five dollars. While that may not sound like a lot combine that with every time you buy something for a rash, or sunburn, or a bee sting. That cost will add up.
3. It's fun. Trust me, you will feel an enormous sense of independence and satisfaction the next time your child comes to you with some mild condition and you can use a remedy that you prepared yourself.
There are so many more reasons why growing medicinal herbs is a great idea. I hope this brief list has gotten your enthusiasm going. Just remember that it is very important you know what you are doing so make sure to educate yourself first and always talk to your doctor, not for his approval, but for his assistance in providing you and your family with the finest health care available.
There is one thing you need to be careful about though. Many people seem to think that using herbs is 100% safe, and it is, if you know what you're doing. Don't think that because your herbs are natural and organic that they can't harm you. If you use them in the wrong way or in the wrong amount, or combine them with other medications such as over the counter or prescription drugs, then the interactions can be dangerous.
Just make sure you know what you are doing first. And make sure you talk everything you are doing over with your doctor so he can make sure you won't have any negative side effects with the drugs you may already be taking.
Below I've listed 3 reasons why you should be using your own herbs for medical conditions:
1. You can grow herbs virtually anywhere. You don't need a lot of room. There are many illnesses that you can use your herbal remedies for. If used properly there are generally fewer side effects when using herbal remedies than there are when using man made compounds.
2. You will save money. Even if you have a simple skin rash, if you had to go to your local drugstore to buy some cream it's going to cost you anywhere from a few dollars up to around five dollars. While that may not sound like a lot combine that with every time you buy something for a rash, or sunburn, or a bee sting. That cost will add up.
3. It's fun. Trust me, you will feel an enormous sense of independence and satisfaction the next time your child comes to you with some mild condition and you can use a remedy that you prepared yourself.
There are so many more reasons why growing medicinal herbs is a great idea. I hope this brief list has gotten your enthusiasm going. Just remember that it is very important you know what you are doing so make sure to educate yourself first and always talk to your doctor, not for his approval, but for his assistance in providing you and your family with the finest health care available.