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How Birds Help Man


    • Birds help man by being a large and important part of the human food chain. Poultry farmers and hunters both help bring tasty birds like chickens, geese, turkeys, pheasants, quails and ducks to the dinner table. They don't just provide man with meat, but eggs, another vital source of protein. Egg-laying hens in the U.S. do not receive hormones to increase production. Chickens, turkeys and eggs combined are the biggest source of animal protein in human diets, accounting for food sales of almost $38 million dollars in 2010, according to the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association.


    • Birds entertain humans in a variety of ways. The Humane Society of the United States says 50 million birds are kept as pets in the U.S. Species varying from parakeets to parrots make cheerful pets and companions, as well as being the quarry in sports like hunting, and subject of examination in the pastime of birding. One out of every five citizens is a serious or casual birding enthusiast, amounting to 48 million in the U.S., according to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service figures. North American home owners are also entertained by the antics of 100 different bird species visiting feeders, according to the Audubon Society. To enjoy watching birds in your garden and hear their songs, set out a feeder filled with birdseed, fruit, suet or nectar.


    • Scientific research involving birds helps man to understand the world he lives in and find cures for diseases. In a University of Chicago study, scientists used the similarities between how birds and humans learn vocal patterns to research into language and the way humans learn to speak. In Nebraska, health officials collect dead birds to search for evidence the West Nile virus is active in the area. This mosquito-bourn virus is hard to detect in humans, causes severe illness in less than one percent of those that contract it, but presents a serious health risk for those with weak immune systems. According to officials, examining infected birds are a reliable indicator of this disease's presence and strength.


    • Birds help man by functioning as an early warning system to current and future ecological problems. According to the Audubon Society, "birds are important indicators of the overall health of our environment." Their numbers indicate where natural resources such as the air and water supplies are threatened. North American birds moving winter locations further north by 35 miles provided new evidence of the effects of global warming. Between 120 and 130 species of birds known to have existed in the 17th century have become extinct. Over 1,000 are currently in danger of extinction. Loss of habitat to housing and commercial developments is the biggest threat to birds as a species.

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