Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Incognito Braces - An Innovative Dental Treatment Option

If you consider dental braces for your orthodontic treatment, then you may take good decision. Dental braces are very suitable and customized to reduce at treatment procedure. Incognito braces have become the go-to appliance for some professional dentist. Orthodontists believe that incognito hits the market several years ago under the brand name iBraces.

Incognito braces are the only braces on the market that are entirely customized to fit the contours of each individual's teeth. As because they are lingual braces, meaning they fit onto the back of the teeth, no one will notice them. Now there are so many companies that manufacture incognito brace. It has created a self-legating option; these appliances can reduce treatment time even further while rendering optimum results.

Incognito braces can easily be switched from passive to active mode. They can be passive for aligning and leveling the teeth, or active for finishing. Orthodontists say that there are several studies have shown that self-legating brackets reduce frictional forces, shorten the time a patient is in orthodontic treatment and offer easier, quicker arch wire changes.

Most of the orthodontists take an impression of the patient's teeth that is used to create a 3-D model of the teeth. By utilizing a model, a lab technician creates the customized brackets and custom arch wires that have been bent by a robot specifically for each patient. All appliances are sent back to the orthodontists and they bond them onto the patient's teeth.

iBraces are placed behind your teeth so no one will know that you are wearing braces unless you tell them. These unique braces are created using state-of-the-art technology and are 100% customized to the shape of your teeth and to your dental situation. They have the unique prescription that your orthodontist creates for you built-in to ensure you get the results that you want. With iBraces, you get efficient, effective tooth movement and great aesthetics.

Now professional orthodontists utilize this method on adult who don't want others noticing that they have braces. They also use them on teenagers active in contact sports who risk being hit in the mouth. Sometime people also become aware about their dental braces. For example: musicians who play wind instruments and people who simply are self-conscious about wearing visible braces that others can see are other good candidates for dental braces.

You will have to wear lingual braces for one year at least to get the desired results. The complete recovery may last up to 3 years for some patients. Getting used to the installation of braces is an important aspect because it may affect your speech in the early days. Within a period of 1 to 4 weeks you will be able to adjust with it.

Since there is a possibility of food getting stuck with the braces frequent monitoring of the progress of the treatment becomes really important. Brushing the teeth after every meal, using an electronic toothbrush and using a fluoride mouthwash will help you to prevent the complications involved with braces.

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