Natural Ways of Dealing With Toothaches
Tea tree oil An alternative for toothache and gum pain, its bactericidal effect is in the tea tree oil.
It can be placed directly or with the use of a cotton ball into the tooth or gum for minor pains.
It is convenient to use because it can be place inside the pocket ready to be used.
In fact, using the water and tea tree oil to rinse the mouth is a fast relief for swollen gums.
Take note of using only organic tea tree oil as possible because of the high levels of toxic pesticide deposits from those made from typically grown non-organic crops.
It is said that tea tree oil is unsafe to be taken inside the body.
Ginger root Ginger root is readily found in groceries and is efficient for toothache pains.
Use it by slicing a piece of the ginger root then take off the skin and put it right away on the infected tooth.
The pain will subside quickly if you bite on it like in abscessed tooth.
Gradually grind it with your teeth to release the juice on the hurting tooth.
Save the remaining ginger in the refrigerator for future use or use as needed.
Cabbage Using the rolling pin, bottle or iron soften a green cabbage and remove the veins.
Roll it up and place it in-between the tooth and gum.
Cabbage leaves when used particularly in an infected area are strong detoxifiers.
Garlic and garlic powder Garlic is considered as an effective natural antibiotic.
Here are some of the recommended steps in using garlic: Directly put the clove on the infected tooth.
Create a paste out of garlic clove.
Smash and blend it with peanut butter or salt and apply the paste on the aching tooth.
Cut the garlic and again cut it cross section but not thoroughly permitting the juice to come out then administer to the tooth.
Squash the garlic with a garlic press then administer in-between the teeth, gum, and cheek.
Shred a garlic clove and place shredded end into the gum.
Garlic is a quick pain reliever because of the substance called allicin.
However, it can cause burn.
Using it for three days burning is not probable and swelling of the gums will subside.
Chamomile Cut fresh chamomile and place it in a small packet of surgical gauze.
Using hot or cold water wet the packet and administer it in the painful area in-between the jaw and the cheek.
It can be placed directly or with the use of a cotton ball into the tooth or gum for minor pains.
It is convenient to use because it can be place inside the pocket ready to be used.
In fact, using the water and tea tree oil to rinse the mouth is a fast relief for swollen gums.
Take note of using only organic tea tree oil as possible because of the high levels of toxic pesticide deposits from those made from typically grown non-organic crops.
It is said that tea tree oil is unsafe to be taken inside the body.
Ginger root Ginger root is readily found in groceries and is efficient for toothache pains.
Use it by slicing a piece of the ginger root then take off the skin and put it right away on the infected tooth.
The pain will subside quickly if you bite on it like in abscessed tooth.
Gradually grind it with your teeth to release the juice on the hurting tooth.
Save the remaining ginger in the refrigerator for future use or use as needed.
Cabbage Using the rolling pin, bottle or iron soften a green cabbage and remove the veins.
Roll it up and place it in-between the tooth and gum.
Cabbage leaves when used particularly in an infected area are strong detoxifiers.
Garlic and garlic powder Garlic is considered as an effective natural antibiotic.
Here are some of the recommended steps in using garlic: Directly put the clove on the infected tooth.
Create a paste out of garlic clove.
Smash and blend it with peanut butter or salt and apply the paste on the aching tooth.
Cut the garlic and again cut it cross section but not thoroughly permitting the juice to come out then administer to the tooth.
Squash the garlic with a garlic press then administer in-between the teeth, gum, and cheek.
Shred a garlic clove and place shredded end into the gum.
Garlic is a quick pain reliever because of the substance called allicin.
However, it can cause burn.
Using it for three days burning is not probable and swelling of the gums will subside.
Chamomile Cut fresh chamomile and place it in a small packet of surgical gauze.
Using hot or cold water wet the packet and administer it in the painful area in-between the jaw and the cheek.