Health & Medical Food & Drink

Video: How to Make Juices With Pineapple & Apple

Video Transcript

Hi, I'm Dr. LindaJoy Rose of Raw Fusion Living for showing you how to make juices with apples and pineapple. Apples are loaded with malic acid, they're so good for you that's why they say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Malic acid removes bacterial infections from your stomach lining and it has a lot of pectin and when you consider the bromelain enzyme that's inside of pineapple, it's fantastic. It's an anti-inflammatory; this is also loaded with Vitamin C. So, let's get started. Alright. We're going to just place that in there with the apples and if you have the right kind of blender, you don't even need to do this with the juicer, although you could also do this with a juicer. I'm just using a really good high quality blender and some water. Okay. Now, you could actually strain this if you want to have it without the fiber or just pour it out and enjoy all the fiber and all the goodness. Hmmm, that's delicious. I'm Dr. LindaJoy Rose for showing you how to make juices with pineapple and apples.

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