Business & Finance Credit

Are you Really Happy?

Everyone enjoying the credit crunch? How about those nice 30% apr on credit cards? My favorite is the modern methodology is credit card companies are using to monitor each other so if you falter on one they all can get their digs in and raise your rate and lower your limit.
Ahh, the smell of bureaucracy at its best.
How did things get this bad so fast? Seems a fair question and hopefully a fair answer follows.
First, our elected officials under the tutelage of life long bureaucrats' decided that loans made by private companies and those sponsored by the US would have to be repaid no matter what circumstances may exist.
This was not applied as most laws.
New and modern decisions allow these to be applied retro-actively.
So, the agreement you made when you took the debt was essentially a mere guideline for what might occur.
When you initiated (oddly enough getting bombarded with marketing campaigns, offers, free toasters etc.
, its still considered that the applicant requested consideration from the lender) your un-secured debt, the fine print that was duly initialed is really subject to change.
In their efforts to steam line business and bolster profits, the age old decision process of who qualifies for what by a real person that had the ability to request additional information and make a decision has been replaced with the credit bureau file.
A hyper secret mathematical computation run by mega computers that assign a numerical value to all the information to arrive at the all encompassing credit score.
I'll gladly admit that the folks that wrote that program are likely on the genius level.
Even the persons responsible to supervise the process are top notch.
The weakest link is this chain is the low wage data entry clerk providing the information.
Yes, its formatted properly else the bureau computers would reject it along with a trace back to whom entered it.
However, the bureau does not monitor what is being entered.
So for all its technologically glory, the original caveat to computes hold firm and true, garbage in garbage out.
It does little good to assign blame to our condition.
Sure, you can feel better for a while and we can point to the exact person that caused all our woes.
But really, lets exercise our modern, sophisticated skulls and work towards a solution.
First, laws that are applied retro-actively should be genuinely discouraged.
Washington State has a three strikes policy for habitual criminals.
Even for the most heinous criminals, the count began only after the law went into effect.
Government needs to re-focus that crimes against the people are at least as serious as defaulting loans against private corporations and itself.
Retro active laws do not bring confidence to the people.
When has any businessman or employee reached an agreement and then after a period of years unilaterally change the terms.
The courts don't allow it.
No small business could survive by even trying it.
Yet congress determined it was in all of our best interests forthem to initiate it.
Simple solutions are generally the best.
Solutions that can stand on their own without being propped up by other deals that take a straightforward concept to a convolution point that not single person can fully grasp.
Lets amend the revision to the bankruptcy laws to remove the retro-active provisions.
People that took the debt were playing by the same rules as those who provided the money.
Those agreements are no longer mutually agreed upon.
Open spaces dedicated to the public that cannot be developed are important to all of us.
If congress really wants to make a change, again there is an apparent simple solution.
Conservation groups have limited cash and generally cannot compete against developers for high quality land.
Oddly enough, high quality land is generally well suited for building development and conservation, go figure.
To level the playing field, make all the proceeds received by the seller 100% tax free.
Using simple math, sellers have a real gain of 30% or more on the conservations offer.
Control to ensure the land stays in conservation is again, simple.
The Deed issued to the transfer ownership would need to contain the language that there is a conservation easement over the entire property.
Oh, but what if government exempts itself from the conservation rules.
Well, we would just have to hope that the government could restrain itself.
Sorry about the shift in gears, but I really wanted to bring this one up.

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