Travel & Places Outdoors

Trampolines for Fun and Fitness

Trampolines provide an excellent alternative to boring, repetitive aerobic exercise routines, allowing users a way to bounce off the extra pounds that is not such a drag. While four kinds of trampolines exist - mini, recreation, competition, and water - the first two seem better suited for general exercise purposes. To decide which type of trampoline is right for you, ask yourself a couple of questions: Who is going to use this trampoline? Will it be used indoors or out? Armed with this information, be prepared to shop around for the best deals, as prices vary greatly between brands, and even among stores.
For the greatest savings, purchase a trampoline off-season. Mini-trampolines, often called jogging trampolines, prove to be the ideal choice for everyday fitness. For those living in cold weather climates, these trampolines can be used indoors year round. Jogging trampolines generally range in size from 35 to 40 inches. Sitting about a foot off the floor, they offer a safer alternative to outdoor recreational trampolines. Some models even include padded handlebars for added stability. For adult users, this is the ideal type of trampoline to meet your needs. An Internet search will net you a jogging trampoline for as low as $40, although shipping costs need to be taken into consideration. Many big-box retailers and sporting goods stores carry jogging trampolines, saving you the added expense and time associated with buying online.
Recreational trampolines, now ubiquitous in backyards everywhere, can be enjoyed by both adults and children, who will not even be aware of the exercise they get from jumping on the trampoline. They will just think it is tons of fun! Backyard trampolines, constructed of durable, waterproof canvas, stand up to the elements, but may not be ideal for year-round use in some climates. Available in a wide range of sizes, from eight feet round, to 17x15 oval, recreational trampolines can accommodate various numbers of jumpers. Always look at the weight limit and number of jumpers a trampoline can hold safely before making your decision. An eight foot trampoline which holds one person up to 175 pounds retails for around $200, while larger models can cost $800 or more.
Trampolines have often been cited as a cause of injuries, particularly in children and teens. However, when used properly, trampolines can be safe. Look for a model that comes with an enclosure, or purchase one separately, to keep kids from flying over the edge. Supervise children to ensure they follow guidelines for safe jumping. Other optional accessories include wind stakes, to secure the trampoline against high winds, and ladders, making climbing on and off safer. With common sense and safety precautions, trampolines provide fun and fitness for the whole family.

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