Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

What Are The Best Vitamins For Maintaining A Healthy Head Of Hair?

Everyone wants to look and feel their best.
We use various products that help us to achieve the look that we want.
Many are conscious of eating a healthy diet and getting the proper amount of exercise.
Maintaining a full head of healthy looking hair is also a major part of looking good.
We all realize that in the fast paced society that we live in today, while eating a healthy diet and exercising is our goal, it is not always realistic.
For this reason we need to know what the best vitamins for hair are.
Once we are aware of this it is much easier to achieve and maintain a full head of healthy looking hair.
The two main ways that we get these important vitamins is by eating correctly or through the use of supplementation.
So now let's take a look at the vitamins that we should be concerned with.
Vitamin A - This is necessary for healthy hair because it will help your hair follicles from becoming dry.
Your body also uses this to maintain the health of your cells including hair cells.
Foods that are high in vitamin A would include green leafy vegetables, liver, fortified milk and spinach.
It is very important to maintain adequate levels of this vitamin.
B Vitamins - This group consists of 8 different vitamins.
You will sometimes hear it referred to as B-complex because of this fact.
If you want to maintain a full head of healthy hair this is probably the most important group that will help you achieve this.
People that tend to drink a lot of water or other liquids may want to consider supplementation.
This is because this group of vitamins is what are considered water soluble and will be flushed out of the body by liquids.
Within this group the vitamin that will have the most impact on the health of your hair is vitamin B7.
You will also hear this referred to as biotin.
For most people having inadequate supplies of this is not a problem.
This is because your body naturally produces it in the intestines.
If you happen to have any intestinal disorders or disease you may want to consult with your doctor to determine if you are deficient and what is recommended.
You hear a lot about biotin these days because many manufacturers are adding it to shampoos, conditioners and a variety of other hair products.
What you need to understand is that this has nothing to do with the health of your hair and everything to do with selling product.
As mentioned above biotin is a water soluble vitamin and one of the characteristics of this class of vitamin is that it is not absorbed through the skin.
If you are buying these products based on these claims do yourself a favor and stop paying a premium for something that does not work.
Vitamin C - Many people deal with the fact of split ends.
If you are one of them you need to be aware that many times this is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C.
Citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and potatoes are just some foods that are high in vitamin C.
Vitamin E - This is essential to maintain good circulation.
If you do not have proper circulation nutrients and other vitamins are not going to get to your hair follicles.
Foods that are rich in vitamin E would be nuts and grains.
These days you can also find some cereals that are fortified with vitamin E.
Unless you suffer from male or female pattern baldness, in which case you may want to seek other alternatives, maintaining proper levels of these vitamins should put you on the road to a healthy and beautiful head of hair.

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