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Book Review for "The Privateer"

Written by: Danielle Thorne Desert Breeze Publishing ISBN: 1-61252-014-6 eBook Format 4 Stars Thorne pens an intriguing tale of pirates, privateers, and Caribbean secrets with "The Privateer.
" Kate O'Connell is looking to start a new life for herself on the island of San Madrid, but her new life is full of challenges, including the handsome Captain Adair and Captain Bertrand.
Who will win her heart? Set in the early 1700's in the West Indies, Captain Adair is in charge of the British Navy sailing ship, The Indemnity.
Captain Julius Bertrand is a privateer in charge of The Specter.
It's their job to protect the island from pirates.
Bertrand soon discovers there's a plot to acquire great wealth spearheaded by the pirate Moreaux.
Kate O'Connell, a young woman, arrives on San Madrid along with her father who has been commissioned as the island's doctor.
At a welcoming party, Kate makes a poor impression by speaking her mind and being honest.
The island's society women frown upon her.
Adair and Bertrand find themselves intrigued with Kate.
Captain Adair makes an effort to court Kate, but it's Bertrand who has caught Kate's interest, despite the fact he gives his cabin boy a lashing that Kate doesn't approve of.
Bertrand shows Kate he cares with little gestures, by sending her a parrot and saving her during a shark attack, but he never vocalizes his feelings.
Both men realize they have to marry, but who will be the one to capture Kate's heart? The plot does revolve around Kate and Bertrand, but rarely do their paths cross until the end when the pirates attack.
What Thorne does well is bring a rich authenticity to the story which puts the reader right in the scene with the characters.
The writing is crisp and the dialogue is as well.
The descriptions paint a vivid picture of the setting.
Thorne paints island life perfectly from the dangers of a shark attack to day-to-day occurrences.
The supporting cast is a delight - from the dashing Captain Adair, to the boy, McAllister, and to the Spencer ladies who embody the prestige and privilege of the nobility.
Kate is a spunky heroine.
She knows her mind and is true to herself.
The hurricane tests her courage and will to her limits.
Bertrand is more an enigma.
He's very methodical and thorough, however there are times he does things the reader doesn't expect.
The story is "sweet" in romance and full of adventure.
Overall, "The Privateer" is a swashbuckling tale of the Caribbean full of hope, intrigue, and courage.
Reviewed by: S.

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