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It can sometimes be hard to tell an authentic foreclosure rescue company from a fraudulent one. Know how they work in order to avoid being a victim.
The thought of losing your home to foreclosure is depressing. The knowledge that there are scam artists ready to take advantage of your vulnerability is downright frightening. Some foreclosure rescue companies claim they can help you stay in your home and avoid foreclosure when they are really just fraudsters trying to take your money.
Scam artists will use half truths and believable stories to help build trust and sell their services but fail to deliver the promised foreclosure relief. The make money from frees and mortgage payments they collect from you but fail to pass on to the mortgage lender. They might even gain ownership of your home by having you sign it over to them when you thought you were signing something else. Some scam artists tell you that he can save your home by striking a deal with your lender if you pay a fee first. They try to convince you they will take care of all the details and you do not have to contact your lender. lawyer or other adviser. In this way, the scam artist can take off with your money and nobody is the wiser until they are long gone. Sometimes the scam goes on for many months while you pay the fee before they disappear with your money and leave you with a home foreclosure.
Another common scam is the 'rent to buy' scheme. In this con you are told to sing over the title to your home as a part of a deal which allows you to stay in your home as a renter. Supposedly you can buy it back over the next few years. Unfortunately the terms of the buy back are usually so poor that it is nearly impossible to buy it back. The scan artist will take most of your home's equity and normally you end up evicted. A variation of that scam is for the initial terms of rental and buy back are very enticing, but the terms are change over a period of time where you can no longer afford the rent and again end up evicted.
Sometimes a scam artist will tell you they can find a buyer for your home but only if you sign over the deed and move out. They promise you a share of the profit when the home sells. Once the deed is transferred, the scam artist might rent out your home and keep the rental money. They do not pay on your mortgage and the bank proceeds with foreclosure. Transferring a deed does not change your legal responsibility to pay the mortgage so your still stuck with the debt but you have lost your home and the equity.
There are many ways that unethical people will try to swindle you out of the equity and take your home. The best way to avoid problems is to know the common methods and never sign over your home to anyone without first consulting with your mortgage lender or other financial adviser. Credit counseling can be a good place to start if you do not already have a trusted adviser.
The thought of losing your home to foreclosure is depressing. The knowledge that there are scam artists ready to take advantage of your vulnerability is downright frightening. Some foreclosure rescue companies claim they can help you stay in your home and avoid foreclosure when they are really just fraudsters trying to take your money.
Scam artists will use half truths and believable stories to help build trust and sell their services but fail to deliver the promised foreclosure relief. The make money from frees and mortgage payments they collect from you but fail to pass on to the mortgage lender. They might even gain ownership of your home by having you sign it over to them when you thought you were signing something else. Some scam artists tell you that he can save your home by striking a deal with your lender if you pay a fee first. They try to convince you they will take care of all the details and you do not have to contact your lender. lawyer or other adviser. In this way, the scam artist can take off with your money and nobody is the wiser until they are long gone. Sometimes the scam goes on for many months while you pay the fee before they disappear with your money and leave you with a home foreclosure.
Another common scam is the 'rent to buy' scheme. In this con you are told to sing over the title to your home as a part of a deal which allows you to stay in your home as a renter. Supposedly you can buy it back over the next few years. Unfortunately the terms of the buy back are usually so poor that it is nearly impossible to buy it back. The scan artist will take most of your home's equity and normally you end up evicted. A variation of that scam is for the initial terms of rental and buy back are very enticing, but the terms are change over a period of time where you can no longer afford the rent and again end up evicted.
Sometimes a scam artist will tell you they can find a buyer for your home but only if you sign over the deed and move out. They promise you a share of the profit when the home sells. Once the deed is transferred, the scam artist might rent out your home and keep the rental money. They do not pay on your mortgage and the bank proceeds with foreclosure. Transferring a deed does not change your legal responsibility to pay the mortgage so your still stuck with the debt but you have lost your home and the equity.
There are many ways that unethical people will try to swindle you out of the equity and take your home. The best way to avoid problems is to know the common methods and never sign over your home to anyone without first consulting with your mortgage lender or other financial adviser. Credit counseling can be a good place to start if you do not already have a trusted adviser.