Health & Medical Dental & Oral

What To Expect Your Teeth Whitening Costs

The old saying goes "you get what you pay for." This is true for teeth whitening products as well. Although there is a surplus of whitening products on your local store shelves, you are not getting the same teeth brightening that a dentist can offer. However, the different teeth whitening costs have made it possible for those on any budget to get those pearly whites as white as they can be. Here is the breakdown of teeth whitening costs and what to expect from each product.

If you find a carbamide whitening product for $20.00 on the shelf you should expect that the product will take a few weeks for you to see results. Because of the main ingredient your teeth can become sensitive to what the main ingredient is doing to your enamel. If you stop using this product you will see your teeth reverse back to their original color. Bleaching teeth actually make them more susceptible to stains. Even though the kit says it is a whitening kit, it does not remove stains it just bleaches over them.

Some of the more expensive over the counter products have higher teeth whitening costs. You can expect to pay $100.00 for these gel types. The gel is made of hydrogen peroxide and will get you results in less than a week. This active ingredient works faster but costs more. Because it is still a bleaching agent you will be exposed to the same risks of the cheaper bleaching products.

If you visit your dentist for a teeth laser whitening session your teeth whitening costs can be almost $1,000. What you get for this price is an actual cleaning. The stains are removed and your teeth are cleaned in a thorough manner with the most advanced technology available. Your teeth will not be white from bleaching but from being cleaned to their original color and shine.

The more you pay the more you should expect of your teeth whiting product or procedures. You are able to get results for as little as $20.00 but keep in mind the long term costs of maintaining this whitening might be expensive after a while.

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