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When Words Fail You:Quotes And Ideas For Scrapbooking

Lets face it: Its not always easy to come up with witty, heartwarming or eye-catching quotes or ideas for other wordy scrapbooking elements. But scrapbookers creating their art in the Internet age are in luck! There is a goldmine of resources for quotes and ideas online.

The words on a scrapbook page carry a heavy responsibility. They grab the viewers attention, they convey emotion, they establish the pages theme, and they fill in the details of the stories told by the photos. Thats a heavy load to bear! And although only you know the details of what your photos depict, looking for quotes and ideas for scrapbooking from sources other than your own brain can be an inspiring way to springboard your page into something fantastic.

Quotes can come from anywhere. Are you creating a baby scrapbook? Consider using quotes from your childs favorite bedtime story, or even one of those darndest things that come from your wee ones own mouth.

Are you doing a heritage page, full of time-worn sepia photos and trinkets from great-grandmas jewelry box? Perhaps a song lyric from grandmas day might suit. Or how about one of those pearls of wisdom that your grandmother always used to dole out? They just might be the perfect, personalized quote for such a scrapbook page.

Quotes and ideas gleaned from books, magazines, online, or the world around you need not even appear on the page in order to influence the design. Perhaps you are stuck for a layout idea for pictures of your daughters first trip to the beach? Check out a quote directory site (like quoteland.com, or quotationspage.com, to name just two), enter in beach or ocean or swimming or summer or any other keyword that comes to mind when you look at the photos. What you find may inspire your journaling, your embellishment or paper choices, or even the mood of the layout.

Using the keyword summer, for example, will likely garner the Henry James quote Summer afternoon - Summer afternoon... the two most beautiful words in the English language. Although this quote may be a little cumbersome for your page, you may be inspired to journal about what you love about summer, or even about what you think the most beautiful words in the English language are.

There are both an abundance of sources for and myriad ways to use scrapbook quotes as inspiration for and components of your pages. Look beyond simple titles and journaling to the ways in which the words of others can spark your own creativity. You are sure to create something great.

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