Four Main Phases Of A Drug Rehabilitation Program
Are you a drug addict who is striving hard and doing all hit and trial methods as the part of your drug rehab program? Well, it is very necessary and essential to make a point right here. Do not just go for any type of rehab treatment program which is offered by any unprofessional rehab center in your area. On the contrary look for the rehab treatment center which is professional and manages smart and effective rehab treatment course. Almost every rehab center offers similar kind of drug rehab program. However, the mode of implementation of the program is what makes one rehab center unique from the other. Only an organized and professional rehab center will offer you phase wise drug rehabilitation program that will prove useful for transforming your identity into that of a healthy and prosperous individual.
4-Phases of Drug Rehab Program
Phase -1 Patient Assessment This is an elementary phase of drug de-addiction where the patient is assessed on different parameters by the rehab center counselor before starting with the actual de-addiction program. Here the counselor will ask questions from the drug addict about his likings and disliking, and the kind of environment the drug addict usually lives. A counseling session will also be taken with the addicts parents for guiding them on how to behave with the addict. Based on the preliminary assessment made, the future course of de-addiction program is followed. If the counselors feel that drug addicts behavior is not extreme and doesnt require intensive care, the addict is referred for daily visits; otherwise he is admitted to drug rehab center.
Phase-2 Behavioral and Psychological Therapy This is the second phase of drug rehab program where behavioral psychologists play their role in understanding the psychology of a drug addict under different set of conditions. Based on the behavior as shown by the addict during assessment, the behavioral psychologist will chart out a plan to make step wise alteration in the mental and physical behavior.
Phase-3 Medication - This is the third phase of rehab program where a doctor will prescribe the medications to the addict. The decision to prescribe the medication by the doctor will be based on assessments made by counselor, behavioral psychologist apart from his own observations and medical examination. Medication will continue even after a drug addict has been discharged from rehab treatment center. The potency of medication is gradually decreased after seeing the improvement in the condition of addict.
Phase -4 Aerobic Exercises - This is the fourth phase of drug rehab program. The addict is put on light mental and physical exercises to detox the body. This may continue for long.
Follow a phase wise drug de addiction program as against an integrated de-addiction program so that you do no recluse back to the horrendous stage of drug addiction.
4-Phases of Drug Rehab Program
Phase -1 Patient Assessment This is an elementary phase of drug de-addiction where the patient is assessed on different parameters by the rehab center counselor before starting with the actual de-addiction program. Here the counselor will ask questions from the drug addict about his likings and disliking, and the kind of environment the drug addict usually lives. A counseling session will also be taken with the addicts parents for guiding them on how to behave with the addict. Based on the preliminary assessment made, the future course of de-addiction program is followed. If the counselors feel that drug addicts behavior is not extreme and doesnt require intensive care, the addict is referred for daily visits; otherwise he is admitted to drug rehab center.
Phase-2 Behavioral and Psychological Therapy This is the second phase of drug rehab program where behavioral psychologists play their role in understanding the psychology of a drug addict under different set of conditions. Based on the behavior as shown by the addict during assessment, the behavioral psychologist will chart out a plan to make step wise alteration in the mental and physical behavior.
Phase-3 Medication - This is the third phase of rehab program where a doctor will prescribe the medications to the addict. The decision to prescribe the medication by the doctor will be based on assessments made by counselor, behavioral psychologist apart from his own observations and medical examination. Medication will continue even after a drug addict has been discharged from rehab treatment center. The potency of medication is gradually decreased after seeing the improvement in the condition of addict.
Phase -4 Aerobic Exercises - This is the fourth phase of drug rehab program. The addict is put on light mental and physical exercises to detox the body. This may continue for long.
Follow a phase wise drug de addiction program as against an integrated de-addiction program so that you do no recluse back to the horrendous stage of drug addiction.