"Operation Harvest Festival" (German) - Code name for the liquidation and mass killings of the remaining Jews in the Lublin area that occurred on November 3, 1943. An estimated 42,000 people were shot while loud music was played to drown out the shootings. Last Aktion of Aktion Reinhard.
See also: Aktion Reinhard
See full article: Aktion Erntefest
Holocaust Glossary | The Holocaust
"Operation Harvest Festival" (German) - Code name for the liquidation and mass killings of the remaining Jews in the Lublin area that occurred on November 3, 1943. An estimated 42,000 people were shot while loud music was played to drown out the shootings. Last Aktion of Aktion Reinhard.
See also: Aktion Reinhard
See full article: Aktion Erntefest
Holocaust Glossary | The Holocaust
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