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Lost Character John Locke Named After Philosopher

Even casual fans of the ABC television show Lost are familiar with the character of John Locke.
First introduced in the pilot episode the character affectionately referred to simply as Locke has been a primary member of the show as well as an integral part of the storyline involving the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 that crashed in the Pacific in 2004.
The character of John Locke is known for many things on Lost, the most curious being that he was a paraplegic confined to a wheel chair before crashing on the island.
Since the crash occurred he has once again become able-bodied and the cause of his miraculous healing seems to only be explainable as being somehow related to the unique qualities of the island.
John Locke is a dynamic character known for much more than his physical prowess.
Almost always portrayed as the constant man of faith John Locke's faith is not directly tied to any sort of traditionally structured religion.
His faith is oddly in the island itself and in part in nature or the cosmic nature of the universe which he believes lays out a destiny for all of us and while seldom well understood he believes there to be comfort in knowing that everything happens for a reason.
John Locke believes that there is a plan greater than us and that we each have specific roles to play in the divine structure of the universe.
It is with this unwavering faith that John Locke is even willing to die for a cause that he believes in completely in spite of having little understanding of the ultimate objective.
The character of John Locke actually shares some distinct characteristics with the seventeenth century French philosopher that is his namesake.
John Locke, the philosopher, was born in 1632.
As many readers may remember from high school world history classes he famously had a major impact on society through philosophy.
Among the notable thoughts that the philosopher promoted was the idea of the relationship between nature and civilization.
The ideas of civilization reigning in or controlling natural forces are in some respects a theme throughout the show Lost and indicative of the methodology that the television show character John Locke uses in his decision making process as well as in his leaderships style.
The overarching theme is that the island can offer superior direction in handling difficult decisions.
Locke the philosopher did a significant amount of work on the idea of opposing authoritarianism.
Essentially Locke the philosopher and Locke the Lost character share a common set of ideals in terms of wanting each individual to search for the truth instead of just accepting the opinions handed down by authority figures.
As a result of this ideology the character in the show Lost is frequently disagreeing with the authoritarian leadership of Jack Shepard.
Jack, a doctor by trade, is a man of science and reason.
Jack's formatted way of systematically making group decisions counters John Locke's promotion of the notion of independence and personal responsibility.
Whether anything about the life of philosopher John Locke can tell viewers any secrets about the upcoming Lost final season is unlikely.
This is actually just one of many examples of how the creators of the show demonstrate a heightened sense of detail while further opening viewers' minds to concepts and ideas that go well beyond those normally introduced by a typical television series.

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