How to Stopped Hair Loss and Re Grew Your Hair
Hair loss is a part of life for many of people.
We often wonder, once the hair loss process has began will we be able to stop it, and will we ever get our hair back.
In woman, this can be a lot more embarrassing, stressful and difficult to deal with than in men, simply due to the fact that hair loss in men is generally accepted.
For women, most of us see our hair as our crowning beauty.
It has often been said that "a woman's hair is the beauty of her face.
" In men, the main reasons for hair loss are hereditary and age.
In women, there can be a bit more varying reasons, such as, stress, age, menopause and child birth, to name a few.
The scientific reason behind hair loss in both men and woman is a chemical in our bodies called (Dihydrotestoterone) DHT.
DHT is a naturally occurring chemical used elsewhere in the body, but it actually damages the hair follicles and causes them to become less efficient at getting the nutrients they need.
Also as we age, our blood vessels become narrower and more clogged, which makes it even more difficult for the follicles.
There are many products on the market today, which are said to prevent hair loss and re grow hair in men and women.
If you are experiencing, or have experienced hair loss, then you know that many of these products do not live up to the hype! Let me share a personal story with you.
I am a mother of two.
My children's ages are 5 years and 1 year.
Six weeks after my eldest child was born, I noticed that I was losing my hair.
I became frantic.
It was not just falling out sparingly; it was coming out in clumps.
The more I combed, the more it came out...
from all over my head! I did not know what to do.
I was forced to come to the realization that this process, whatever it was, had began.
Either I deal with this now, or, not comb my hair for a while and pretend it wasn't happening, but I knew that whenever I started to comb again, I would be pulling out bigger and bigger clumps of hair.
I decided what the heck! The sooner I get it all out, the sooner I can decide what to do about what's left.
After nearly a week of this, it finally stopped.
Yep! I was practically bald.
There were strands hair on the crown of my head and my sides looked as if they had been shaved as far back as behind my ears.
The lower back of my head came through this ordeal pretty good though.
Not much missing there.
Yes, you guessed it.
Wigs and caps became by best friends for the next few months.
Why that long, you might ask.
Well, once my shedding had stopped, I started to try all sorts of different products.
I tried sprays, shampoos, pills, jells, you name it, I tried it.
None of them worked like they promised.
They all helped a bit, but they didn't fully re grow my hair.
One day a friend referred me to this product called Provillus.
I was already frustrated with all the other products and had decided to accept my condition.
After much back and forth with my friend, I decided to try this one last product.
If this didn't work, then that would be it.
After about one month of taking this product, I could see the little feathery hairs coming along the sides of my head.
I knew then, that I had finally found a product that lived up to its promises.
In about three six months, I had re grown my hair...
all of it.
Now I could throw away the wigs and the caps.
Some of them were really cute though! Then came baby #2...
Here we go again.
Yes Provillus was there to see me though.
Again it worked like a charm.
I am quite sure that, had I taken it immediately after child birth, I would not have lost my hair a second time, but I couldn't because I was breast feeding my new born and didn't want to take any unnecessary risk.
Let me be clear.
Saying that it happened a second time has nothing to do with the product itself.
It has to do with me.
That is apart of the process that my body goes through after the stress of child birth and yes, it will continue to happen to me after each child birth.
However, now I have found a solution that I can count on.
Provillus is a new FDA approved product that has been on the market for less than five years and is rated #1 in hair loss prevention and hair re growth.
I can personally attest to that.
It is a supplement that blocks the DHT in the body from causing hair loss.
The more DHT in our bodies, (this obviously increases in me after child birth) the greater our risk is of hair loss.
Provillus was created by the Ultra Herbal Company and is a natural treatment for men and women suffering from hair loss.
Provillus is guaranteed to stop hair loss and re grow hair.
We often wonder, once the hair loss process has began will we be able to stop it, and will we ever get our hair back.
In woman, this can be a lot more embarrassing, stressful and difficult to deal with than in men, simply due to the fact that hair loss in men is generally accepted.
For women, most of us see our hair as our crowning beauty.
It has often been said that "a woman's hair is the beauty of her face.
" In men, the main reasons for hair loss are hereditary and age.
In women, there can be a bit more varying reasons, such as, stress, age, menopause and child birth, to name a few.
The scientific reason behind hair loss in both men and woman is a chemical in our bodies called (Dihydrotestoterone) DHT.
DHT is a naturally occurring chemical used elsewhere in the body, but it actually damages the hair follicles and causes them to become less efficient at getting the nutrients they need.
Also as we age, our blood vessels become narrower and more clogged, which makes it even more difficult for the follicles.
There are many products on the market today, which are said to prevent hair loss and re grow hair in men and women.
If you are experiencing, or have experienced hair loss, then you know that many of these products do not live up to the hype! Let me share a personal story with you.
I am a mother of two.
My children's ages are 5 years and 1 year.
Six weeks after my eldest child was born, I noticed that I was losing my hair.
I became frantic.
It was not just falling out sparingly; it was coming out in clumps.
The more I combed, the more it came out...
from all over my head! I did not know what to do.
I was forced to come to the realization that this process, whatever it was, had began.
Either I deal with this now, or, not comb my hair for a while and pretend it wasn't happening, but I knew that whenever I started to comb again, I would be pulling out bigger and bigger clumps of hair.
I decided what the heck! The sooner I get it all out, the sooner I can decide what to do about what's left.
After nearly a week of this, it finally stopped.
Yep! I was practically bald.
There were strands hair on the crown of my head and my sides looked as if they had been shaved as far back as behind my ears.
The lower back of my head came through this ordeal pretty good though.
Not much missing there.
Yes, you guessed it.
Wigs and caps became by best friends for the next few months.
Why that long, you might ask.
Well, once my shedding had stopped, I started to try all sorts of different products.
I tried sprays, shampoos, pills, jells, you name it, I tried it.
None of them worked like they promised.
They all helped a bit, but they didn't fully re grow my hair.
One day a friend referred me to this product called Provillus.
I was already frustrated with all the other products and had decided to accept my condition.
After much back and forth with my friend, I decided to try this one last product.
If this didn't work, then that would be it.
After about one month of taking this product, I could see the little feathery hairs coming along the sides of my head.
I knew then, that I had finally found a product that lived up to its promises.
In about three six months, I had re grown my hair...
all of it.
Now I could throw away the wigs and the caps.
Some of them were really cute though! Then came baby #2...
Here we go again.
Yes Provillus was there to see me though.
Again it worked like a charm.
I am quite sure that, had I taken it immediately after child birth, I would not have lost my hair a second time, but I couldn't because I was breast feeding my new born and didn't want to take any unnecessary risk.
Let me be clear.
Saying that it happened a second time has nothing to do with the product itself.
It has to do with me.
That is apart of the process that my body goes through after the stress of child birth and yes, it will continue to happen to me after each child birth.
However, now I have found a solution that I can count on.
Provillus is a new FDA approved product that has been on the market for less than five years and is rated #1 in hair loss prevention and hair re growth.
I can personally attest to that.
It is a supplement that blocks the DHT in the body from causing hair loss.
The more DHT in our bodies, (this obviously increases in me after child birth) the greater our risk is of hair loss.
Provillus was created by the Ultra Herbal Company and is a natural treatment for men and women suffering from hair loss.
Provillus is guaranteed to stop hair loss and re grow hair.