Bladder Staph Infections
- Staphylococcus (also known as just staph) is a type of bacteria that causes many infections. Its name literally means bunch of grapes in Greek because under the microscope, staph appears in small grape-like clusters. Although there are more than twenty types of staph, the most common type is called staphylococcus aureus. It is this type of staph that generally causes infections in humans.
- Bladder infections (also called cystitis or urinary infections) are inflammations of the urinary system, specifically the bladder. Although E. coli bladder infections are more common, infections developed in the hospital or by younger patients are more likely to be caused by staph. Staph bladder infections are caused when staphylococcus that is normally present on the skin, in the nose or in the throat are spread into the urinary system. The entry point is usually through the urethra, the opening through with urine leaves the body. Once inside, the staph begins to grow, multiply and spread throughout the urinary system, affecting the bladder, and, if left untreated, even the kidneys.
- Staph bladder infections can show themselves in many ways. The most common symptom is the increased urge to urinate, even if little or no urine comes out. This is because the staph bacteria have begun to irritate your bladder and the nerves there malfunction. They tell your brain that you have to urinate, even if your bladder is not full. You may also notice that your urine is darker, cloudier or smellier than normal. You may even experience a burning sensation when you do urinate.
- There are only two ways to cure a staph bladder infection. Your immune system can kill the infection or you can use prescription antibiotics like amoxicillin. There are also over-the-counter bladder infection medications that can treat the symptoms while your immune system takes care of the staph infection. You can also try home remedies like cranberry juice therapy or vitamin C supplements. Regardless of the way you choose to treat your staph bladder infection, you should consult your health care provider if your symptoms do not subside after a few days.
- The best prevention of a staph bladder infection is maintaining a healthy immune system. Follow a healthy diet and exercise routine. You should also keep your genitals clean and dry. Wash them daily with warm water and a mild soap, especially after sex. After you have sex, urinate to flush any bacteria that may have been spread into your urethra. Also, avoid holding your urine and go to the restroom every time you feel the urge.