Health & Medical Mental Health

Alternative Setup Phrases to "I Accept Myself" in EFT

EFT in its basic format starts each round with a Setup phrase ending with something like "I deeply and profoundly accept myself".
This can be very powerful in allowing us to move forward.
However, it can be a stumbling block for some.
Perhaps you find it hard to say "I accept myself" because you do not buy into it.
Or maybe your client finds it either hard to swallow or they are too conservative to consider such a New-Agey kind of phrase.
Or you could be in a situation where "I accept myself" may be an unwritten taboo, such as in a corporate setting.
With this in mind, here is a list of useful alternative statements.
  1. I'm OK.
  2. I'm OK and that's OK.
  3. I allow positive change.
  4. I choose to get over this anyway.
  5. I choose to be strong.
  6. I choose to be free.
  7. I allow myself to go forward.
  8. I allow myself to get over this.
  9. Part of me knows that I will ace this.
  10. Part of me knows that I can safely succeed.
  11. I am willing to consider that it may be safe to get over this.
  12. Maybe one day I can accept myself a little bit more.
  13. I accept myself even when I don't.
  14. I accept myself even though I don't.
  15. I honor my feelings anyway.
  16. I honor my feelings and where they came from.
  17. I choose to be calm.
  18. I choose to move forward.
  19. I allow healing.
  20. I accept that I have this challenge and I accept that I am doing something about it now as I tap.
  21. Just for today, I am willing to accept myself a little bit.
  22. And I cannot accept myself because I have this problem.
    I have tried rejecting myself and still have this problem.
    So rejecting myself hasn't worked.
    Maybe I can try accepting myself just this once.
    If I don't like it, I can always go back to rejecting myself.
    And that's OK too.
For children, here are some variations.
  1. I'm a good kid anyway
  2. I'm a good boy/girl anyway
  3. Mummy loves me anyway
  4. Daddy loves me anyway
  5. I'm good at Maths
  6. I'm good at Art
  7. I have lovely hair
  8. I have nice trainers (sports shoes)
  9. I have a nice phone
  10. I'm good at soccer
  11. I 'm a good dancer anyway
Basically, any appropriate positive phrase will do.
Phrases like "I accept myself", "I love myself", and where appropriate "I allow forgiveness" are more powerful.
But to be realistic, any alternative phrase will also produce results.
Now that you have many alternatives, you have more choices.
And that means more roads are open to you on your path to freedom.

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