Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Herbal Remedies - The Natural Cure For Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that affects about 20% of children and approximately 2% of the adult population.
Although the number is relatively low compared to other skin diseases, eczema still causes emotional, physical and mental strain to the people who are affected by this condition.
Medications are used by many but there is also help in natural cure for eczema.
Eczema is a type of skin inflammation.
This condition mainly affects infants but the symptoms tend to recur for the rest of their lives.
What causes eczema? The exact cause of eczema still eludes medical experts.
However, one factor that can trigger this condition is a weak immune system.
Harsh soaps, rough clothing, detergents, cosmetics, sweat and allergic reactions to jewelry can all contribute to the aggravation of eczema.
Environmental allergens such as dust can also cause eczema outbreaks.
Changes in temperature and stress can also be leading causes of eczema.
What are the symptoms of eczema? The symptoms of eczema include drying and reddening of skin that can trigger feelings of itchiness.
The itchiness is usually the core symptom of eczema.
People tend to scratch the surface of their skin and this will cause appearance of blisters and oozing lesions.
Scratching the aggravated skin can just lead to a thicker and crustier skin.
It usually occurs on the face, neck, elbows, knees, ankles, scalp and legs.
What are the treatments for eczema? The treatments for eczema are used to prevent the itchiness and the inflammation of the skin.
The treatments should not only rely on prescription medications (antihistamines) but also through changes in the lifestyle of a person suffering from eczema.
Anti-itch topical creams can also be utilized to achieve immediate relief.
Drinking lots of water can help hydrate the skin and avoid dry, scaly skin.
Water can replenish the body and can nourish the skin from the inside.
However, too much water from the outside should be avoided.
Over bathing can lead to weak, pruned skin that can cause further oozing of blisters and lesions.
Also, try eating healthy foods that contain vitamins and minerals helpful to our skin.
Avoid eating seafoods such as crabs and shrimps as these can cause more itchiness.
The herbal cure for eczema has also been utilized many years ago and until now, its popularity is still gaining momentum.
Some of the herbal remedies that are commonly used to treat eczema are: 1.
Aloe Vera-this herb can help reduce inflammation 2.
Calendula-this herb when applied in cream form can soothe inflamed and scaly skin.
Chamomile-this herb is not just a calming herb but it can also help relieve itching.
Oregon grape root-this herb also helps reduce inflammation of the skin and it can also clear out toxins.
Rosemary-you can infuse your bath with this herb and it can help boost better skin cells circulation.
Witch Hazel-you can apply witch hazel cream to reduce inflammation.
You can also up your chances of healing blisters and oozing lesions with a natural remedy called ClearSkin-E Cream.
This is a topical product that can not only relieve itchiness and heal open wounds but it can also help repair damaged skin tissues to promote better skin condition.
ClearSkin-E Cream can also help strengthen skin tissues immunity.
This product is very helpful in soothing inflamed skin.
This product contains the safest and the most natural ingredients such as Vitamin e oil, menthe piperita oil, bulbinella frutescens and aloe ferox to name a few.
Cure for eczema can be achieved through the use of a natural topical cream like ClearSkin-E cream, healthy lifestyle and some herbal remedies for eczema.
Get a clear, inflammation-free skin with this combination and you can say goodbye to eczema for good.

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