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FSC Chain of Custody - Atlas Roofing Responsible Polyiso Insulation Manufacturing

One of the obvious benefits of using polyiso products is how they contribute to energy efficiency once installed. In today's competitive design and build environment, it's automatically assumed that efficient products will be used. Since polyiso provides the most R-value per square inch of any insulation product, it's become the insulation of choice for commercial wall and roof applications.

Atlas Roofing Corporation is a leading innovator in polyiso use for commercial and residential building applications. Atlas ACFoam® products are selected because they're easy to work with, efficient to install and help specifiers and contractors solve problems. For example, Atlas ACFoam® CrossVent® provides polyiso insulation and a nailable surface, in one product.

Along with leadership in product innovation, Atlas Roofing Corporation has become one of the largest polyiso manufacturers with the most manufacturing facilities in North America. This enables the company to reach its customers with innovative polyiso solutions that will make their buildings energy efficient and environmentally responsible.

While Atlas is keen to create products for walls and the roof deck that promote environmental stewardship while meeting R-values, ASHRAE standards, LTTR standards and other specifications required on building projects, the company also gives careful attention to their manufacturing facilities. While they continue to update machinery and technology to maximize productivity, Atlas is also focused on environmentally responsible manufacturing processes. One such process is the FSC Chain of Custody Certification, which demonstrates environmentally responsible sourcing of wood products for manufacturing.

Atlas polyiso products manufactured with wood components, such as CrossVent® and ACFoam® Nail Base are FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Chain of Custody certified. This means the products representing this certification meet strict tracking requirements which verify they're manufactured with wood that comes from a well-managed forest. This certification is by Scientific Certification Systems, a third party certification organization who verifies environmental and sustainability claims.

Atlas CrossVent®, CrossVent® RB and Nail Base Insulation are polyiso products that meet the FSC chain of custody standard as part of their manufacturing process; just one more way the company is working to ensure their products reduce environmental impact. These products are available in FSC Pure, FSC Mixed, or FSC Recycled versions. When documented and used in a facility they can also contribute to a facility gaining the Certified Wood LEED credit.

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