How to Create a Rotating Work Schedule
- 1). Write down all the necessary tasks to be accomplished in your business. Some tasks may need to occur on a daily basis, while others will be once a week, or once a month. Make a note next to each task about the frequency with which it needs to occur. This information will be used when putting the schedule together.
- 2). Distinguish what tasks are for what departments. If this was a corporation, tasks might be divided among the marketing department, the sales department and accounting department. A hospital would divide tasks among doctors, nurses and administration. In some cases, such as retail stores or grocery stores, all employees will perform all tasks, so tasks are not specific to any grouping.
- 3). Write the tasks that need to be completed on a daily basis on a blank calendar. You can buy a blank calendar or download one from websites such as or Keep the tasks organized and spread them out over the week so they so not all overlap on the same day.
- 4). Once all the tasks are written into the schedule, make a list of all your employees and what group they belong to. Once again, if this were a restaurant, you would note if that employee was a hostess, a cook, a server, a manager, or a bookkeeper. Assign employees to each task appropriate to their position. The tasks need to be evenly dispersed among coworkers so that their schedule is in fact, rotating. Fill out a schedule for two months and post this in the office and give each employee a photocopy to take home.
- 5). Continue to assign tasks on a monthly basis and be sure that each employee is completing the tasks in a timely fashion to keep everything on track and according to the rotating schedule.