Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Frisco Dental Implants – Stop Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

If you are missing any teeth, we strongly suggest you get them replaced as soon as you can. Missing teeth is more than just an aesthetic issue. A healthy mouth has no gaps in its bite, with evenly-distributed pressure when biting down. Expanding on that notion, each tooth has a specific function, just as each part in any functional system serves a purpose. If there are any parts that go bad or no longer exist, the system rapidly breaks down. Likewise, missing teeth need to be replaced via dental implants or other means if you want to avoid even more dental expenses in the future, after more severe issues develop.

At our practice which serves cities in North Texas such as Frisco, we have seen it time and time again: Patients who wait too long and end up having over twice the work done when regular cleanings and just one or a few dental implants earlier on would have saved them a lot of expense and misery.

Causes of Tooth Loss

Poor oral hygiene and nutrition are the primary causes for tooth loss. According to wiki1, roughly 100-200 species of bacteria exist in our mouths at a time. Between those with healthy teeth and those who do not keep their teeth clean, one single tooth can have 1,000 to 100,000 (healthy) or 100 million to 1 billion (unhealthy) bacteria inhabiting it at any given time. Some of these species will excrete an acidic digestive by-product after feeding on sugars and carbohydrates that we ingest. When the natural pH of our mouths are altered in this way, the enamel of our teeth gets eaten away, slowly forming cavities and infection in the gums. This is the path to tooth loss.

How Your Other Teeth Are Affected

Teeth surrounding an area where a tooth once was are impacted the earliest on. Your mouth needs an even bite. These teeth will shift in an attempt to compensate for the gap, and the rest of the teeth will follow suit, in a domino effect. When teeth are malformed, the attached gums are also impacted. Crooked gums and teeth form pockets and other hard-to-reach areas that are difficult to clean, even with regular flossing and brushing. The gums become infected, further pulling away from the teeth, as tartar and plaque start to form on the teeth.

Maintain a Complete Oral Regimen

The message we hope you take away from this is that for a healthy mouth, you need to follow a complete oral regimen:
  1. Brush twice daily to remove some plaque buildup.
  2. Floss twice daily.
  3. Visit your dentist every 6 months (or as recommended by a dentist) for regular cleanings to keep tartar at bay. Once plaque has hardened, this is the only way to remove it.
  4. Do not delay in taking care of missing teeth, or other anomalies that have developed.
  5. Watch your diet to help maintain a healthier pH in your mouth. This will help protect the enamel of your teeth from cavities, and infections in the gum line.

A Permanent Solution

Dental implants are a permanent solution to resolve any and all gaps in your bite. Gaps are primarily a health issue, and secondarily an aesthetic one. If you are in Frisco or other North Texas city, please contact us, linking from our author bio below, if you are having any issues and think you may require dental implants or are looking for the best quality dental care in general.


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