Health & Medical Mental Health

Why Do Panic Attacks Happen?

Panic attack is a situation of intense anxiety which can happen to anyone.
The worst part about these attacks is that they occur without any warning and sufferers can get a panic attack anywhere- while working in office, while on vacation with family, while giving a presentation in the office or even while sleeping.
When people suffer from continuous panic attacks, they develop a panic disorder.
There are various reasons for panic attacks and these reasons differ from one person to other.
Some of the common reasons for panic attacks are discussed below: 1) Genetic disposition: It has been observed that if some one in your close family has suffered from these attacks in their life you are also likely to develop this disorder.
2) Excessive stress: People who work in pressurized and stressful work environment are likely to develop a mental disorder.
Working in pressurized situation causes excessive stress and it further leads to panic attacks or panic disorder.
3) Unhealthy diet: Certain nutrients are very essential for proper functioning of your body.
Lack of these nutrients may result in deficiency and certain diseases.
In case of panic attacks, these are generally caused by deficiency of calcium, magnesium and vitamin B.
4) Inadequate sleep: People need to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep everyday, and people who work in stressful environment may need more sleep.
Lack of sleep will directly effect the brain and may result in excessive stress.
And in the long run, it may take the shape of diseases.
A few changes here and there in your lifestyle can help great deal in getting rid of these mental disorders.

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