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Four Poems - The World Today, I Wish Every Day, Marathon Race and an Appeal

The World Today Here in this world today Peace is rejected as a Long forgotten rusted coin And the world thinks "Vice is purer than virtue Dark is brighter than light".
The hand that seeks for freedom, The eye that looks for morals, The mouth that shouts for peace, The heart that leaps for liberty, Are declared as dead and void.
A place of peace Neither one gets on the earth Nor even in the outer space.
War becomes a game - an exercise On the innocent mass.
The dove, once let free in the sky, Is shot dead for ever.
The Olive tree, once planted, Is shattered under the Cruel feet of mismanaged-man.
The rose of hope once longed for Is tortured by its own thorns: The civilization of SCIENCE-MAN.
Tears of man turn to stone And his cry is killed By his own voice of pain.
I Wish Every Day I wish everyday In dream To see a tiny lovely dove With green leaves in it's mouth Flying over the blue sky.
I wish everyday The flowers afresh To look back to the world Doomed in anguish and anger And elate the rough mankind To learn to smile For a while.
I wish everyday The ecstatic dance of peacock, Cause of hide and seek play of deer, Render the sense of love and peace To the world so frighten.
I wish every day The yonder stars To pour rays of Oneness Over this world divided.
Lastly I wish everyday To pen a poem of peace And sing through my Drawing room window For the mankind Embodying with beauty nature And bewitching creatures.
Marathon Race Steps of ours From generation to generation Measure the distance unending.
The mystery of life carefully Colours of the track of time.
Trees wave their greenery palms, Birds clap their wings in the boundless sky.
The morning breeze continues to sing Freshness and freedom of rhymes.
Hills in the valley of silence Meditate for a successful journey of mankind I wish every one is declared winner Sooner or later If one sprints on the track for others.
An Appeal Let the zephyr of peace waft With the message of love To the places far off.
In this auspicious hour Of serene dawn Tender your blessing On all human beings.
Garnish the earth And azure the sky With placid sunbeam.
The expression of brotherhood Let it echo all around.
In this hour of daystar Let us take oath.
Let peace smile In North-South and East-West With out respite.
Our voyage Let it be docked On the ship of peace And reach Near the shore Of doctrine of friendship.
Amongst all Let us be worthy To ourselves To make the earth Smile once again.
With burst of gaiety and peace Let the rhythms of love ripple.
Caste, religion, rich and poor From this deserted soil Let these yellow eyed feelings Disappear.
With the spark of celestial surmise Let it weed out The distinction prevailing here And let the breeze of peace Muse all over.

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