Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Attacks - The Very Natural Ways To Cure Anixety Attacks

According to a recent survey on health, it is shown that almost 70% people suffer from Anxiety attacks. This has put us to worries. It's not something that will affect only the adults; it can also affect the young people also. Anxiety attacks are a common condition and faced due to stress. However, certain symptoms are sufficed to identify the anxiety disorder in your life. Panic attack brings out many physical and emotional sensations. Symptoms vary in duration, intensity and occurrence. The most common symptoms that people experience are heart palpitations, chest pains, shortness of breath, shaking, sweating, tingling, numbness, lightheadedness, nausea, paranoia, fear of losing control, etc.

Some people feel that panic attacks are incurable or permanent. But this is just a myth because anxiety attacks are completely natural and can be curable permanently. If you want to go in for medication for curing panic attacks, it will not be a good idea because antioxidants will suppress the depression and anxiety occurrence but will not overcome the root case of it. Mostly, these medications give you the side-effects of dizziness and nausea. That is why it is better to stay away from these medications and seek for the natural way to stop this specific problem.

1. A balanced diet enriched with proteins and vitamins is helpful to cure your panic disorder. Vitamin B complex, calcium and proteins is helpful to overcome stress and depression, which are the major triggers to panic attacks.

2. Sleep for about 8 hours every night. However, remember, oversleeping is also bad to attain health. This is another good and natural technique to cure panic attacks.

3. Caffeine increases anxiety levels in the body. Hence, as much as possible you should avoid caffeine. It can spoil your internal system and cause more stress.

4. Yoga and meditation along with breathing techniques is also another important practice to avoid panic attacks.

Panic attacks can be caused due to lot of pressure, and stress. Panic attacks are basically a psychology of threat in anything you do. It is a negative thought to any positive situation. In anxiety attacks one becomes frustrated and thinks unusual things. Negative thought obstructs your mind in an anxiety attack. So to cure this problem you need to have a balanced lifestyle and a calm mind always.

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