Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Safety Topics at Music Festivals

    • Summer not only brings warm weather and sunshine, but music festivals across the world. America is home to such festivals as Lollapalooza and Summerfest as well as a number of smaller fests like the Kentucky Bluegrass Festival. Regardless what size festival you attend, there are a variety of safety issues to consider before attending.


    • According to the Janet, Jenner & Suggs Legal Team, 66,000 injuries were reported at festivals and concerts from 1992 to 2002. Crowds cannot be controlled and the more people that arrive, the rowdier it tends to get. Of course you want to be as close as possible to your favorite bands, but keep in mind that the closer you get in a large group of people the more wild it will be. People in the front tend to push, trying to get closer and closer while dancing and possibly starting a mosh pit. In the front of the crowd is where the most injuries happen because everyone wants to be in the front row or as close as possible.


    • Another safety issue at music festivals is keeping your belongings protected. In a large group of people it is easy for people to steal your belongings, even right from you bag. Keep everything secure and pay attention to your surroundings. If you have expensive valuables do not leave them in the open and do not flaunt them where people can see them. Keep in mind most valuables should be left at home. Things such as cameras can get dropped and broken if not stolen. Also stay with a group of people or at least a friend. Use cash instead of credit cards in case you are robbed. This way you do not have to cancel all your banking and credit accounts. Also, do not go into a crowd by yourself. This can make you a target. If something does happen to you, you'll want a friend near.


    • Drink plenty of fluids prior to and at the festival. Being in the sun all day can wear your body down, especially if you are in the midst of a large crowd of people sweating. Avoid alcohol and sugary soda because this will dehydrate you more. Wear sunscreen even on a cloudy day if your festival is an all-day event. This will prevent sun burn and skin cancer. Be sure to eat throughout the day as well to keep your energy up. Upon entering the festival, locate the first aid centers in case of an emergency. This information is available at the information booth or in the festival's program.

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