Health & Medical Mental Health

Wellbutrin and Kratom: Comparing Two Treatment Options for Depression

Depression is one of the serious ailments that if not treated carefully can result in major complications that may cause loss of life. Patients suffering from depression have from time to time been considered suicidal thus heightening the risk and thus calling for immediate intervention. Depression cause a feeling of emptiness and despair to take hold of someone thus making it tough for the sick individual to function or even act normal. Enjoying life becomes alien and getting through a day becomes quite an overwhelming experience .Hopelessness, helplessness, loss of interest in daily activities, irritability, loss of the zeal to work, self loathing, reckless behavior, concentration problems and unexplained pains and aches are some of the symptoms that should be considered when one is suspected to be depressed.   

Wellbutrin and Kratom are two very able analgesic drugs that have been used in the effective treatment and subsequent management of depression.  The success that these two drugs have gathered over the years is the main reason why today many doctors have formed the habit of using one or the other in the management of depression. But this is not to say that these two drugs are very similar, they have differences but they perform the same job. Kratom have been used by the people of the Asian pacific Islands for thousand of year because of the great and significance effect it have over many ailments. Kratom has been used as an effective opioid in the treatment of depression and its success has been outstanding as compared to wellbutrin.  

Wellbutrin has gaining fame in management of major depression disorder but the minimum dosage that are administered to patient have been the major reason that made Kratom to be more effective than it. Kratom is also taken in small doses buts its effects on the patient are far higher than what is expected when a similar dose of Wellbutrin is taken. Breaks from taking wellbutrin can result in tiredness, a lethargic feeling and moderate or severe withdrawal symptoms addictive but this is not the case if a patient breaks from taking Kratom. This has thus been the instrumental reason that has made most patients to be inclined and dependent on the Kratom drugs as they relive them off their depression. Even though both drugs have and are still used in the treatment of depression Kratom is a better antidepressant than Wellbutrin.

Many antidepressants have failed in the past due to their discomforting side effects.  The side effect of any drug that is consumed by any individual is something that many medics must check to ensure that the life of the patient is not place at a risk as a result of the consumption. Comparing these two drugs therefore without discussing the side effects that each has on the patient is just a gross misconduct that would promote misinformation. Depending on various individuals Kratom effects on them may vary. Some of the effects inn clued darkening of the skin, aggression, nervousness and constipation when high doses are ingested. This can further degenerate into other side effects that include low libido, nausea and tremors. Wellbutrin usage on the other hand has been known to cause sexual dysfunction, but may also cause delusions, confusion, hallucinations or paranoia. It may also cause seizures, allergic reactions, increase in blood pressure and weight loss.

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