Health & Medical Nutrition

How To Follow A Low Carb Diet?

Low carb diet is beneficial and recommended mainly to lose weight. It also reduces the risk of heart diseases, strokes, diabetes, certain cancers and metabolic syndrome. Moreover, people who follow this diet have steadier energy levels, a feel good factor and consistent moods. Following a low carb diet is not a cup of tea for everybody. In a book, Forever Young Forever Fit written by Nik Helbig, you will find the effective and easy-to-follow steps to be taken to religiously follow a low carb diet.
Remove Temptations-
Clear your kitchen with sugar and trans fats. If you see these foods, you will feel like eating them that very moment. When you go shopping, avoid buying foods that have a good amount of carbohydrate. In this book, the author gives you suggestions to get rid of high carb and fatty foods.
Distract Yourself-
When you get those food cravings, distract yourself by engaging in some other activities. Once you think about food, it is difficult to keep yourself away from it. The author gives your ideas on how to keep you distracted and away from the tempting foods. For instance, call up a friend, watch some TV show or read some magazine to get distracted from food.
Changing Your Overall Diet Regimen-
Nik Helbig advises you to change your diet plan for a forever young and forever fit you! Always focus on what you can eat, rather than what you cant eat. Make a shopping list before buying groceries, and only stick to your list. Sometimes, you end up buying extra unnecessary stuffs that are not needed for your body. Include low fat and healthy foods like lettuce, mushrooms, cucumbers, eggs, chicken breasts, lean meat and tuna fish in your palate. Place these low-carb foods on the front side of your cupboards and shelves so that you can grab it easily.
Reading Labels-
Always check for the sugar, fat and carb content of the product before you buy it. Being aware of all this content can make you conscious and calculative of your food intake and thus, helping you to go on the right track of following a low carb diet.

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