Using an Allergic Rhinitis Treatment
There is a strong possibility that you or a person you know suffer from allergies. Allergic reactions have telltale symptoms which include watery, puffy, itchy eyes and stuffy, red nose. What these people suffer from is what is known as €allergic rhinitis€.
Hay fever is simply an allergic reaction; your immune system is responding to foreign material in the air that you have breathed in. Hay fever typically refers to the allergies to airborne, outdoor material like molds and pollens.
Around 15 to 20 percent of the US population has some level of hay fever, it is something that affects both the male and female population. Normally, hayfever is seasonal; however it can last all year around if the allergens stay in the system of the sufferer all through the year. Thankfully, allergic rhinitis treatment is easy and safe.
Symptoms of Hay fever
Before using an allergic rhinitis treatment, you have to be sure whether you have hay fever or not. The following are the typical symptoms of hay fever:
€ Runny nose (thin clear discharge)
€ Sneezing
€ Stuffy (congested) nose
€ Bloodshot, watery eyes
€ Postnasal drip
€ Itching of soft palate, nose, skin and or ear carnal
€ Feelings of plugged ear(s)
€ Insomnia (trouble sleeping)
€ Fatigue
Hayfever Causes
Like other types of allergic reaction, hay fever is caused by allergens. Not every allergy sufferer enjoys using allergic rhinitis treatment all through the year that is why it is important that such people avoid known or suspected allergens.
The allergens are simply the airborne substances that pass through the airways - nose, mouth, lungs and throat - through breathing and the linings of the eyes and a couple of times ears through direct contact.
A lot of the times, it is quite hard to spot a specific allergen. As soon as these allergens pass through your airway, your immune system's white blood cells produce antibodies in order to fight off the offending substance. The overreaction to a substance that is harmless is commonly known as "hypersensitivity reaction".
The most common allergens that affect sufferers of hay fever are pollens and mold. Some people take allergy shots in order to relieve symptoms of hay fever during the season when hay fever is common.
Allergic Rhinitis Treatment
Thankfully, hayfever doesn't always need medical treatment.
Allergic rhinitis treatment - home remedies:
First and foremost, stay away from suspected or known allergens.
Hayfever can be treated using home remedies:
€ Gargle using clean warm salt water - put 1 to 2 tablespoons of table salt in 8 ounces of warm water - this will help you soothe mildly sore throat.
€ Use over the counter (non-prescribed) antihistamines like diphenhydramine (Benadryl) in order to relieve symptoms of runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes and throat. Please note - using these drugs may make you a little too drowsy to drive your vehicle or operate heavy machinery safely.
€ In order to relieve congested nose, a combination of a decongestant and an antihistamine may work better.
Hay fever is simply an allergic reaction; your immune system is responding to foreign material in the air that you have breathed in. Hay fever typically refers to the allergies to airborne, outdoor material like molds and pollens.
Around 15 to 20 percent of the US population has some level of hay fever, it is something that affects both the male and female population. Normally, hayfever is seasonal; however it can last all year around if the allergens stay in the system of the sufferer all through the year. Thankfully, allergic rhinitis treatment is easy and safe.
Symptoms of Hay fever
Before using an allergic rhinitis treatment, you have to be sure whether you have hay fever or not. The following are the typical symptoms of hay fever:
€ Runny nose (thin clear discharge)
€ Sneezing
€ Stuffy (congested) nose
€ Bloodshot, watery eyes
€ Postnasal drip
€ Itching of soft palate, nose, skin and or ear carnal
€ Feelings of plugged ear(s)
€ Insomnia (trouble sleeping)
€ Fatigue
Hayfever Causes
Like other types of allergic reaction, hay fever is caused by allergens. Not every allergy sufferer enjoys using allergic rhinitis treatment all through the year that is why it is important that such people avoid known or suspected allergens.
The allergens are simply the airborne substances that pass through the airways - nose, mouth, lungs and throat - through breathing and the linings of the eyes and a couple of times ears through direct contact.
A lot of the times, it is quite hard to spot a specific allergen. As soon as these allergens pass through your airway, your immune system's white blood cells produce antibodies in order to fight off the offending substance. The overreaction to a substance that is harmless is commonly known as "hypersensitivity reaction".
The most common allergens that affect sufferers of hay fever are pollens and mold. Some people take allergy shots in order to relieve symptoms of hay fever during the season when hay fever is common.
Allergic Rhinitis Treatment
Thankfully, hayfever doesn't always need medical treatment.
Allergic rhinitis treatment - home remedies:
First and foremost, stay away from suspected or known allergens.
Hayfever can be treated using home remedies:
€ Gargle using clean warm salt water - put 1 to 2 tablespoons of table salt in 8 ounces of warm water - this will help you soothe mildly sore throat.
€ Use over the counter (non-prescribed) antihistamines like diphenhydramine (Benadryl) in order to relieve symptoms of runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes and throat. Please note - using these drugs may make you a little too drowsy to drive your vehicle or operate heavy machinery safely.
€ In order to relieve congested nose, a combination of a decongestant and an antihistamine may work better.