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What Women Want from Men

The constant misunderstanding between men and women hasn't improved since self-help books such as 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' hit the shelves. In fact, if anything, for women who are perhaps entering the dating game again after a divorce or women who are entering their thirties single, the divide is larger than ever. These women have such a low opinion of the other sex, yet their expectations are sky-high when it comes to dating. These women are throwing out all sorts of mixed messages and are perhaps even a little confused themselves. Imagine being the poor guy who has been seeing these women for, say, a month, with the series of mixed signals that are almost certainly going on. So, what can men do to help this? Well they can understand what women actually want from their men:

A confident man who knows who he is and what he wants

Enjoying what he does whether it a hobby or interest or his work, a man should have a strong character (but not an overpowering one). Women like to be listened to and are generally good listeners; women are the communicators of this world and a lot rides upon it when it comes to dating. There's nothing worse than having to coach a man through big decisions. Yes discussions are imperative when making path-changing decisions but endless 'Who am I' conversations simply are too draining. Positivity is so important in a relationship and one thing no woman is looking for is a negative, toxic partner; these are draining and destructive qualities.

A man who has taste - from his hobbies to the presents he buys you

A man who drives a rust bucket and buys you carnations when you aspire to a 4x4 and red roses will not fill you with confidence for presents in the future. The one thing that can be a deal breaker is lingerie - or more specifically, can he choose beautiful lingerie? This shows he knows his lady intimately. Lingerie is a thoughtful gift if it's done correctly - and there are a couple of golden rules. He shouldn't buy lingerie in itchy, rough materials, choose silks, satins and play it safe with colours, black or gold or neutral feminine colours. He also shouldn't buy white (boring and everyday) and red (too clichd). He should buy what he likes as well as taking into consideration what she would like.

Respectful men

Generally women don't want one night stands. Now, this is a sweeping statement but women need to know they're being respected. However, there must be passion, so teasing her, touching and complimenting her are imperative. If a man does this, every time a woman sees him she'll be trying her best to look good, the outfit would have been carefully thought about and even if she doesn't want to sleep with him she'll still be wearing her best luxury lingerie anyway - just in case.

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