Interview with Taylor Lautner on "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
How do you remain normal with all this going on?
Taylor Lautner: "It is a good question. It definitely is surrounding yourself with your family and the friends that you have known forever. I live, all of us do, in two different worlds. They are complete opposites. This is our job. We go to work and we live in this business world. Then we go back to our regular world and we do the same thing that we did before.
We sit at home. We aren’t that exciting. We watch American Idol every Tuesday and Wednesday. Yeah, spend time with our family and friends. I think maintaining that world is extremely important."
Is dealing with the paparazzi a pain?
Taylor Lautner: "Yeah. You know, sometimes it becomes aggravating, but you've got to tell yourself that this comes with the job and what you are getting out of it on the other side is definitely worth it. Sometimes it is hard, but you can’t let them affect you that much or you know it drives you insane. Maintaining sanity is pretty important to me, so you just gotta push that stuff aside. Yeah, it is never normal."
Can you ever go out without being recognized?
Taylor Lautner: "Yeah, you can be creative. It is a matter of choosing where you go, when you go. A mall? Probably not. A movie theater? Probably not. I have my hangouts. The good, low-key restaurants. Sometimes you are just like, 'I don’t care! I want to go bowling! And I’m going to do it!' And you do it.
Sure enough, it is a little hectic, but you had fun. Then you go back home and go, 'I’m not going bowling for a while.'"
What has the past year been like with your newly found success?
Taylor Lautner: "It is exciting. This franchise has been such an incredible platform. It is amazing. I am so thankful for this franchise and everything it has provided and the opportunity. I have had the time of my life over the past two years. I am just thankful to be in this position. I am having fun making movies. It have met a lot of new people and have had the opportunity to work with a lot of new, talented people. Amazing is the best word for it."
Is there any downside to this whirlwind you have been on these past two years?
Taylor Lautner: "It is hard to choose one. There are a million times more pros than cons, for sure. Obviously, you know, the privacy thing. It is a little different. Usually, it is not normal to wake up and have 12 paparazzi cars waiting outside to follow you to Starbucks. Like I said, there are a lot more pros that I’m willing to put up with those cons for sure."