Business & Finance Blogging

Do You Blog to Make Money Or Blog to Relax?

This is a million dollar question.
For a moment let's forget about AdSense, let's forget about Chitika, let's forget about Kontera, let's forget bout Affiliate marketing...
Would you still Blog? Don't get me wrong; I'm by no means against the concept of making money online or online businesses; in fact I use them in my own blogs.
But what worries me sometimes is the fact that some people get so carried away with the concept of making money online, that they forget about the main reasons why they started blogging in the first place.
I feel making money online is not an easy job, it can be tough at times, but why should we let that cloud our judgment.
Well there is one good thing about these ad networks like AdSense, Chitika, Kontera, etc.
If nothing they have encouraged more and more people to write.
I feel that if all these companies decide to shut down someday, The number of bloggers in the world would be reduced to a few who still believe in the sanctity of writing.
If not for money Why should we Blog? Well I see online blogs as just a modern counterpart of a personal diary, the only difference is you might not get to decide how personal you want to keep it.
Writing a Blog is about getting your worries of your chest or remembering a moment of your life.
If you're writing blogs simply to make money you would seriously miss out on these aspects.
Moreover If you're writing something that you're not passionate about.
There is a very little chance that you're going to succeed.
I hear people complaining about running out of content.
Or hiring people to write content for your blog.
What Rubbish! A blog should be about YOU...
and no one else.
So don't try to steal other people's content, don't hire people to do it...
Just write something about your true passion.
Another important thing is, you should stay updated, and make your blog look nice.
How will you feel like writing if you're using dull default templates...
Get out there, there are millions of sites out there that provide Free templates.
Just grab one that you love.
And learn some nice tricks that you can use on your blog.
Just do something to keep it interesting and fresh Hope this was insightful...

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